Saturday, 29 June 2024 12:08

[OPINION] Elusive Solution In Hamas-Israeli War - Abdu Rafiu

With an impassioned speech by Israel, except there is a miracle which can come only on an alignment of the volition of each party in the conflict, it does not appear there will be light soon at the end of the tunnel. The tunnel is getting longer with the possibility of engagement with Iran-backed Hezbollah intensifying and spreading to Lebanon’s northern border. The families of the hostages not yet released by Hamas are opposed to any cessation of hostilities and withdrawal of Israeli fighting forces from Gaza Strip until their kith and kin are back home. The Israeli speech at the UN described as breathtaking was made by the country’s representative, Miriam Novak, at the United Nations General Assembly. The UN Special General Assembly in New York was held at the request of the Leaders of the European Union and what has been described as the New Arab Bloc. I am running the speech in full for there may be lessons therein to learn even if one does not agree with every point canvassed.

Standing at the podium, in front of the green marble wall of the main UN hall, Miriam Novak said into the microphone:

“Ladies and gentlemen! As you know, 80 years ago, Europe, led by Germany, carried out an ethnic purge: it exterminated almost all the Jews who lived there. French, Belgians, Dutch, Norwegians, Hungarians, Slovaks, Poles, Lithuanians, Ukrainians—all helped the fascists. You killed at least six million Jews, including newborn babies. Each of them could have given the world children, grandchildren, so you can multiply the number of killed by four or five… And now, when we are again plundered, beaten, and killed in all your countries, and your courts release the murderers, you tell us that we have no right to defend ourselves? We have no right to warn our enemies that we will respond to a new ethnic cleansing with an even more powerful strike? Perhaps you can name another nation whose extermination is so fantastically sought by your new Iranian-led international community? And why?

For two thousand years, we have lived among you, offering you our knowledge, discoveries and inventions. We have given you the alphabet; the Bible; the Virgin Mary; Jesus Christ; the 12 Apostles; Spinoza; Disraeli; Columbus; Newton; Nostradamus; Heine; Mendelssohn; Einstein; Singer; Eisenstein; Freud;  Landau; Gershwin; Offenbach; Rubinstein; Saint-Saens; Kafka; Lombroso; Montaigne; Mahler; Marcel Marceau; Vsevolod Meyerhold; Yehudi Menuhin; Stefan; Zweig; Arthur Miller; Maya Plisetskaya; Stanley Kubrick; Irving Berlin: Edward Teller;  Lion Feuchtwanger; Paul Newman; Robert Oppenheimer; Benny Goodman; Eugene Lonesco;  Imre Kalman; Marcel Proust; Marc Chagall; Barbra Streisand; Claude Lelouch; Steven Spielberg; Anouk Aimee; Leonard Bernstein;  Norbert Wiener; Larry Page; Mark Zuckerberg; Larry Page; Mark Zuckerberg; Sergey Brin; Andrew Lloyd Webber and thousands of other scientists and educators.

Imagine how many such geniuses could have been born from millions of Jews killed by you, and then from their children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. But these unborn geniuses disappeared forever in crematoriums. Burned synagogues, and mass graves. So do you really think that your resolutions, boycotts, and sanctions can bring us back to the gas chambers? No, ladies and gentlemen! Having lived among you for two thousand years, we have had to adapt to you and learn not only your languages, but also some aspects of your psychology. Otherwise, how would we have survived in Persian perfidy? In Spain without the Spanish cruelty? In Germany without German submission to discipline? In France without French avarice? In Poland without Polish vanity, and in Russia without the oaths and the Russian habit of court latrines, where one must squat and talk about one’s spiritual greatness?—(Laughter in the room.)

“And that is why I will tell frankly: yes, we are not yes, we are not angels. Among us there have been international crooks and gangsters, Lansky, Medoff and Epstein, thieves, looters, adventurers and even pedophiles.

But in all our common history, there has never been a Jewish Bogdan Khmeinitsky, Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin. There have never been Jewish Josef Mengele and Erik Koch, Jewish Adolf Eichmann and Idi Amin, Jewish Andrei  Chikatilo and Li Zicheng; Jewish Jeffrey Dahmer and Jean Bokassa, Jewish Fritz Haarmann and Ted Bundy, Jewish Nikolai and Albert Fish.

We have never made necklaces with human ears, never scalped, never eaten human flesh, never made soap with human fat, never made lampshades with human skin, never made mattresses with women’s hair, never burned people in religious temples, and never killed children in gas chambers. Instead, we created things that changed the world for the better. Drip irrigation, seawater desalination, Intel processors and Centrino and Core Duo platforms, the world’s smallest DNA computer and the world’s first USB flash drive, nanowire and camera pill, multiple sclerosis drug and exoskeleton, Google Glass for the blind and baby breathing monitor. The radar that can see through walls, the holographic reality artificial intelligence synthesizer, and hundreds of other wonderful things.

Representing only 0.2% of the world’s population, we have given the world 32% of the Nobel Prize winners. Yes I forgot to tell you: We have never consumed and do not consume the blood of Christian infants to make matzah. Already in 1913, three Orthodox experts on Judaism proved this at the famous Beilis trial in Kiev.

In 1962, the Second Vatican Council lifted our guilt for the crucifixion of Christ, and in 2011, Pope Benedict XVI declared that “the Christian cannot be anti-Semitic, we have the same roots.” In 2019, his successor, Pope Francis 1, said that “every Christian has a Jew in him” and that ‘one cannot be a true Christian without acknowledging one’s Jewish roots. In addition, the head of the global Catholic Church said that “the covenant between God and Jews continues to apply and that anti-Semitism includes not only attacks on Jews, but also criticism of Israel.”

Finally, in June 2020, the Rev. John Hagee, the leader of American Evangelical Christians, published his “Appeal to the World,” in which he said simply and clearly, “Why do we, eight million patriotic American Christians, support Israel? Because God is on Israel’s side! If a Christian says he doesn’t like Jesus, then his false Christianity is very dubious. God says, I will bless those who bless Israel! I will curse those who curse Israel!”

And now I want to ask the European delegates in this room: Who do you think you are? Are you Christians or not? When you pray to Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, and the holy apostles, are you not praying to the Jews? And when you say that you carry the image of Christ in your heart, do you not admit that you carry a Jew in your soul? Even if you are a hard-core atheist, your ancestors were Christians for two thousand years, and therefore, Judaism is in your blood –whether you like it or not!

So, ladies and gentlemen, if you insist on international boycott of Israel because you continue to hate Jews and want the total extermination of Jews on earth, then be consistent—start with yourselves, do seppuku! It will be honest ethnic purge. And now as we say here in America, I have news for you. Now, after the Christians, it is the turn of the Muslims to get rid of anti-Semitism.

Yes, it won’t be easy, but just as the Almighty helped humanity get rid of the bubonic plague, anthrax, cholera, and coronavirus, He will help you get rid of anti-Semitism. You ask: Why? Why has the Almighty brought us back to Israel and forced you to give up your desire to destroy us? For He has to have a purpose, doesn’t He? I will give my personal opinion. For according to His purpose, every nation is to bring to mankind what it does best.

The French—cooks and perfumes; The English and the Russians—writers and poets; Italians –artists and musicians; The Germans—soldiers and philosophers; And the Jews—geniuses. Geniuses who, who in all fields, are advancing humanity from barbarism and idolatry to culture, humanism and technical progress. This is our mission, which we have been accomplishing for two thousand years, despite everything! So, whether we have genetic torsional, nuclear, tectonic, cosmic or other defence weapons, that’s none of your business! Whether you allow us to have defensive weapons or not, we don’t care.

As one of the founders of our state, Ze’ev Jabotinsky, once said: “Whether you like us or not, we don’t care, we arrived before you and we will leave after you.”

You may wonder what the interest of this column is in the copiously reproduced speech by the Israeli Representative at the special UN General Assembly and what my take is on the lengthy address. The speech is hardly possible to ignore whether you are for or against Israel. Much as I consider it impossible to ignore, I decline responsibility for many areas of the content of the speech.

My aim in dabbling into the subject is to invite us into contemplation of some of the issues raised “In The Light of Truth.” We must show compassion for the suffering of our fellow men, and the Jews have gone through a lot. Mariam Novak’s speech demonstrates, for example that racism is still a gravely troubling issue in our world today despite our vaunted claim to civilization and advancement, social and technological. All human beings belong to the same spiritual family. Having different peoples and races reflects the diversity that is a veritable feature of nature. As time went on in the course of our sojourn on earth, people began to be separated into different groups and peoples in accordance with the level of their spiritual maturity.

When we have acquired full maturity, measured on the scale of spiritual self-consciousness, we return to the Spiritual Realm, Paradise, which knows neither Jew nor Gentile, but only clarified self-conscious spirits. Our sojourn in the material world thus comes to an end. The categorization and classification into peoples, placements even into towns, wards and clans are done automatically in the combined outworking of the Laws of Attraction of Homogeneous Species, the Law of Reciprocal Action and the Law of Spiritual Gravitation. This is so that no peoples disturb or hinder the other in their development. The Law of Homogeneity has been explained on many occasions in this column as meaning the same thing as is reflected in the common saying that birds of a feather flock together. In the bed of the sea, catfish will not be found in the company of tilapia, nor will giraffe be found in the circle of monkeys or elephants. The Law of Reciprocity is what a man soweth that shall he reap, and many times over. A Jew who exhibits hate against the Palestinians or vice versa would find they exchange positions in their next incarnations.

The sum total of the speech is asking the world pointedly: “Why do you hate us? Why do you hate Israel despite her great strides in nearly every facet of human endeavour and huge contribution to the advancements of our world? If you are a Christian, Christ came and gave the world His Teachings in our midst.” The moving address shows an agonized soul. She may have taken liberties to make exaggerated claims. These things, claims, and counterclaims, go on because of a lack of knowledge of the mechanisms that govern life. When people lack knowledge they are superficial, knowledge by which I mean higher knowledge that spells out other correlations that govern life. Miriam Novak gave the hint that the Jews have realised their guilt in the crucifixion of the Lord and they have been told by the Second Vatican Council that they have been forgiven! It was a widespread belief in several parts of the world, particularly among European Christians that the Jews should collectively be held responsible for the murder of the Lord Jesus Christ. It was not until 1964 that the Roman Catholic Church renounced the assertion that the Jews be held collectively guilty of the dastardly act. Even today, many of the activities in religious houses and pronouncements in different parts of the world can be said to be tantamount to crucifying the Lord again many times over!

Many of the Jews of that time, from the proven ancient knowledge and thus verity of reincarnation, must have been born, some perhaps several times, in places other than Israel, in places they deserved in accordance with the Laws–their sowing and harvesting, and levels of inner radiance or lack of it– in say Sudan, Argentina, South Africa, Germany, Afghanistan or South Korea. Wherever. After all, there have been cases of stigmatization in many parts of the world, the most well-known being that of Therese Neumann of Konnersreuth. She was one of those who reviled the Lord Jesus Christ on the Cross. In a later reincarnation, a Jew in Israel at the time of Christ, she was born in Konnersreuth, Bavaria, Germany. A similar case was reported by The Guardian in the 90s. He was a man who also participated in mocking the Lord on the Cross. This time he was a Nigerian.  Reincarnation can be likened to a student repeating a class or re-sitting a paper in the earthly school system so that the student can be better and make progress. He may seek a transfer to some other school. This does not rule out some of the Jews being born again in Israel. Forgiveness comes only after recognition of guilt and atonement and one personally cleaning his slate.

At this stage, therefore, what we should be more concerned with is how peace can be engendered in the conflict-ravaged Middle East and how to halt the mutual mindless killings and the destruction of property by the Israeli forces and the Hamas; worse hit being Gaza Strip. In what way does the speech advance the cause of peace in that region, one wonders?


Flowing from the foregoing, which exemplifies conflicts, terrorism, banditry and kidnappings, it can be surmised that hardly do we as human beings reflect deeply on where our paths lead us after our sojourn on earth. It is at the point of death when it is one leg on earth and one leg in the beyond, when separation is taking place between the soul and the body that most people are shocked by what they are seeing or experiencing and man is gripped by self-pity or recrimination.

Here are just two examples captioned Famous Atheists’ Last Words Before Death:

ANTON LAVEY—Author of Satanic Bible and said to be high priest of the religion dedicated to the worship of Satan. One of his famous quotes was: “There is a beast in man that needs to be exercised, not exorcised.”  His dying words were: “Oh my, oh my, what have I done, there is something very wrong…There is something very wrong.”

Sir THOMAS SCOTT—Chancellor of England: “Until this moment I thought there was neither a God nor a hell. Now I know and feel that there are both, and I am doomed to perdition by the just judgment of the Almighty.”


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