Saturday, 01 June 2024 08:21

Statement on the Gruesome Killing of Soldiers in Abia State: ALPI Demands Justice and Calm

The Abia League of Professionals Initiative (ALPI) strongly denounces and condemns the recent brutal killing of soldiers in Abia State by unidentified gunmen. We urge the military high command to kindly restrain from retaliatory actions that may result in more innocent lives being lost. Instead, we recommend a comprehensive investigation to identify and apprehend all individuals directly or remotely responsible for the heinous murder of these soldiers, whose duties are to protect the nation's territorial integrity.

ALPI calls for peace and condemns the disturbing trend of targeting soldiers and other security officials. This criminal behavior must be unequivocally condemned in all its ramifications.

Sonny Iroche
Director General
Abia League of Professionals Initiative
May 30, 2024

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