Friday, 08 March 2024 09:14

Cosmopolitan Women’s Club of Lagos Celebrates International Women’s Day 2024

The Cosmopolitan Women’s Cub of Lagos on The Occasion of The International Women’s Day 2024 Joins All Women of Every Strata in Nigeria and The World Over to Once Again Celebrate Ourselves.

It is good to thank God for the success thus far of the millions of women’s march for women’s rights as human rights.

However, it looks like no sooner have women seemed to have broken the glass ceiling than is it replaced by a tripled glazed glass barrier.

Poverty is rife and has sadly attained generational dimension and women are amongst the poorest of the poor.

Families are without the basic necessities of life and end up going to bed hungry. 

Extremely high cost of living and inflation have reduced households to a status of indignity.

Disease and poverty have excluded large numbers of women and children from basic human needs of healthcare and housing. 

Gender inequality impacts on empowerment of women in politics and decision-making positions thereby leading to exclusion.

So, as we reflect on the IWD theme inspire inclusion, let us resolve to act in unison to break down all barriers to women’s liberation.


Happy International Women’s Day.

Dame Marie Fatayi-Williams President Cosmopolitan Women’s Club, Lagos

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