You will not die now! A child of God is not supposed to die anyhow. Yes, when you walk in the knowledge of a functional covenant with God nothing is permitted to take away your life prematurely. Nothing! Be it disease, demonic powers, hardship, or whatever. Nothing and I mean nothing is permitted to terminate your life before fulfilling your destiny. Everybody has an assignment that brought them into the world. God did not waste his time and resources crafting a wonderful creature like you. Or haven’t you heard that you are wonderfully and fearfully made? Also look at all the things – the time, the resources, the emotions, the prayer, the love and sometimes planning and expectations put into the process of bringing a baby into this world. Like your parents coming together, the relationship, the expectations, your miraculous conception and formation in the womb, the preparations, your birth and your growth, etc. So much!
Millions do not survive these stages. But you did! This clearly shows that there is a definite divine plan for your life. True. I recently overheard a respected gynaecologist / surgeon, a professor, a dean of a collage of medicine saying that nobody, not even experts have totally understood what God did in the process of conception and child-bearing. And immediately those words registered in my spirit. You can do all you know scientifically and medically, but it is only God that permits, perfects and natures life. I think it is also a standing belief in medicine and that is why the doctors will tell you that they care and treat but that it is only God that heals. Ask them. Every life must come from and end in him. Even when you are treating or praying for fruit of the womb, you must have it at the back of your mind that it is only God that can bring forth life. Yes, science can be helpful. Yes, medicine is great and always necessary, but it is still God that perfects the outcome. You can apply everything that you know and it will still not work. And you also may not do anything at all and still things will work out perfectly. It is God - that unseen hand. True.