“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. If you do this, you will experience God’s peace - which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7
Worrying is being anxious, depressed or nervous about a situation or for something. It can also mean being afraid that the worst will happen in a situation. Yes, it is human and natural to feel concerned about a situation, but when we become afraid, faithless, desperate or depressed because of what is happening or what will happen, then we are off the track. We have automatically stopped trusting God. Yes, worrying is a sign of faithlessness – lack of faith in God and his ability to change situations. We must trust God in all situations. We must put all our cares, burdens, affairs, fears, concerns, aspirations and hope in his hands. He even told us to cast all our burdens upon him and he will give us rest and peace.
Yes, these two things are very important – rest and peace. You need them so much to live well in this world. There are so many people who don’t have rest and peace. These are precious gifts that only God can give in this life. Money, connections and pleasure of this life cannot guarantee them. It is only those who cast their burdens upon the LORD that have them. If you trust God from today, you will start having rest and peace.
Things to do to avoid worrying
Believe in God, his love and his ability to take care of every situation, no matter how difficult it looks. Trust him and his words totally - rest in his promises. Read his words (Bible, sermons, psalms, Christian music). Fellowship with other Christians regularly. Learn of his great promises and hold onto them permanently. Be patient and hopeful always. Then, like we saw in the main text praise and thank him always in every situation. Remember his is always in perfect control. Yes, instead of worrying spend quality time everyday in praising and worshiping him. Thank him for all his wonderful works. Thank him for his goodness. Thank him for those things in your life that money cannot buy. Thank him for the gift of life, etc. There are more to thank him for than spending time to brood over the negatives.