Saturday, 01 February 2025 07:58

[OPINION] Beyond bread and butter - Abdu Rafiu

It is enheartening, indeed uplifting, seeing readers demonstrating alertness on what they read which is not on politics, afterall man shall not live by bread alone…It is refreshing that people are finding time to reflect quietly in their closets what is beyond fleeting pleasure. Since this column’s outing nearly a month ago on Revelation of John, I have been receiving calls drawing my attention to what was perceived a factual error in the piece. But last week, the observation was, in fact, put in writing by an ardent reader of the column. On 27 December the following statement was published in my contemplation on Christmas:

“The Star of Bethlehem did not come from our Universe, Ephesus, which is one of the seven universes in the world. In Creation ‘geography,’ the world is not our earth. It comprises those regions and spheres of existence which lie between the lowest realm of Paradise and our earth. It is a training ground for human spirit seed germs sent out of Paradise to gather experiences which will make them mature enough during their wanderings for re-admission to Paradise as useful Human Spirit Beings. The world comprises seven universes of which our own is one. It is to them that John the Baptist’s address in the Book of Revelation is directed when he says: ‘To the seven churches of Asia.’ He did not mean a Christian organization and a continent on earth. Here churches refer to the seven universes of the world. The Star of Bethlehem came from the highest of the 14 spiritual realms known as Paradise. If we perfect ourselves on earth to become Human Spirit Beings, we would e admitted to the lowest of these 14 spiritual realms. The Spiritual Beings in the seven highest realms never had to come to the world or to the earth to mature. They are the Primordial Beings created by God in His Image. We human beings are to develop after their likeness. We are not the direct Creation of God Who, being Perfection can never create imperfection.”


The perceived error to which my attention has been drawn is in stating that it is to the seven universes that the world comprises that John the Baptist’s address in the Book of Revelation is directed when he says: “To the seven churches of Asia.” The note to me states: “Sir, the book of revelation was not written by John the Baptist, but by John the beloved. This John the beloved, also known as John the Apostle, is the brother of James. The two of them were sons of Zebedee, who came with their mother to Jesus, to seek special positions, one on the left and the other on the right!”

The note is undoubtedly from someone who has more than passing familiarity with the Scriptures. And on the face of it, to connect John the Baptist with the Book of Revelation must be cause to raise eye-brows; to wrinkle faces in askance and regard such a connection a grave error. The widespread and firm belief in Christendom is as stated by the writer of the note. And on the face of it, the belief would seem correct. However, if we read the Book of Revelation carefully, we will see that there are other active participants in between the Lord Jesus Christ and John the beloved Apostle while the messages and assignments were being spelt out and given to him. It is suggested John the Apostle received the messages directly from the Lord Jesus while he was in a trance. “I John, who also am your brother and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was in the Isle that is called Patmos, for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ. I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet, Saying, I am Al’pha and O-me’ga, the first and the last: and, what thou seest, write in a book, and send it unto the seven churches which are in A’sia; unto Eph’esus and unto Smyr’na, and unto Par’gamos, and unto Thy’-a-ti’ra, and unto Sar’dis, and unto Phil-a-del’phi-a, and unto La-od-i-ce’a. (Rev.1: 9-10-11). 

But could John the Apostle living on earth at the time reach the Isle of Patmos in his vision? John the Baptist was more likely to be the one at the Isle of Patmos. He was already back home in Paradise; his plane being where his field of activities reaches and is connected with the Isle of Patmos. I will return to this point more elaborately presently.

It is stated: “The Revelation of Jesus Christ which God gave unto Him to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and He sent and signified it by His Angel unto His servant John: Who bare record of the word of God, and of the testimony of Jesus Christ, and of all things that he saw.” (Rev. 1: 1-2). (Dake’s Annotated Reference Bible).

Who these other participants are not much is mentioned about them and not much attention has been paid to them or if there is any involvement by them. It is through the unraveling contained in higher knowledge spreading on earth in these times that the scale dropped from many an eye and are permitted to divine their identities and sense an account of their roles in the unique mediation to John the Baptist and through him to Guardians and to mankind in the different universes referred to as Churches.

As man now learns in the structure of Creation, the uppermost Realm is called Primordial Spiritual Realm. It is inhabited by Human Spirit Beings who were created in the image of God. Being image is meant attributes and virtues in the likeness of the Creator as far as a creature is capable of, with perfection, inconceivable beauty, love, purity and unconditional loyalty and selfless service as some of these attributes. Besides, they swing absolutely in the Will of God. 

In the Primordial Spiritual Realm itself there are Seven Planes. On the fifth step as the uppermost lives a personality the whole world knows as John the Baptist who was on earth and who proclaimed the Lord Jesus at River Jordan where he baptized Him. The baptism signaled the beginning of His ministration, His Work of Love for the redemption and salvation of all mankind. John the Baptist is surrounded by numerous helpers, leading and strong human spirit beings who serve as trainers of all the support for the human race. It is the land for the training and preparation for all the help and support all the planes below the Primordial Spiritual Plane might need. Much greater is the preparation for incisive Light-happenings for the Creations. Any wonder, therefore, that John the Baptist it was who received Light tidings of the End-Time and transmitted them to John, the Apostle, on earth what have been dubbed the Revelation of John. It should stand to reason that it was from that height, and not on the earth plane on which Apostle John was living, that messages could be sent to the seven universes. 

I have written before about the vastness of Creation, using Ephesus in which we live as a case study, even then only to the extent science can reach. Our earth is a planet in the solar system which is built around the sun and the sun is only one out of billions of stars in Milky Way, our galaxy. The galaxy is itself one of billions of galaxies in our universe which is Ephesus. If all these are in one universe, can we conceive of what are contained in all the universes with their sizes put together? Yet, each is physical universe only. They are in the material world part of which other than the earth science and technology cannot reach or survey. It can be seen that the earth is no more than the tip of a fountain pen with all its 7.8billion inhabitants and physical features of land, mountains, rivers and oceans. Messages from the spiritual Realm could not, therefore, have been left to John the Apostle, the beloved of the Lord, to disseminate from the earth which is less than a speck of dust –to all the seven universes the vastness of which is inconceivable and incomprehensible to the capability and limitation of man by his nature. The World of Gross matter is not even part of the main Creation which is spiritual; it is a consequence of it, hence it is called Subsequent Creation.

John the Baptist lives in the original Spiritual Realm. But his field of activities reaches down to Isle of Patmos which is at the boundary of the Primordial Spiritual Realm.The Isle of Patmos, we learn, is the Mountain of Holy Proclamations inhabited by the Chosen Ones. This Land of Promises, of the Blessed Ones, has a replica of Patmos at the highest height of the lower ranking Spiritual but who have no need of coming to the earth to develop conscious existence. The Spiritual that live there are called Created Ones. Among them lives John the Baptist’s name sake with the latter swinging in the rays of the former and working collaboratively with him in disseminating holy tidings and proclamations as there are connections between their otherwise two delineated realms.

What I am getting at is that John the Apostle may have written the Revelation as it concerns the earth, it was John the Baptist who directed the address in the Book of Revelation to the churches in Asia, churches meaning the universes, and Asia the spiritual name for the world. The Apostle drew for his writing from the address sent spiritually to all the universes. John the Baptist had the high tasks of preparing all the seven parts of the world for the coming of the Son of Man, the Spirit of Truth.

The Grail Message of Abd-ru-shin says of John the Baptist, (the real name he bears back at his point of origin, I keep away): “He is uppermost on this step, numerous helpers surround him, and it was he who received the tidings from the Light for his great, comprehensive working, which he always faithfully fulfilled. It was also he who gave men the great revelation of the present-day happenings, which have become generally known as the Revelation of John.

“With this great work of preparing all the incisive Light-happenings for the Creations, this fifth step is filled and full of flaming life!”

In Revelation we are admonished: “Blessed is he that readeth and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.”

Afe Babalola at a Crossroads!

A galaxy of traditional rulers moved in large numbers to the domain of Chief Afe Babalola at Ado Ekiti to lend the majesty of their thrones to resolving the imbroglio he has with activist Dele Farotimi. There has been pressure from several quarters on Chief Babalola, among leading lights of the land, to withdraw the criminal defamation case he has filed against Farotimi. Among the eminent men with intimidating presence to get the chief to close the case file were former President Olusegun Obasanjo, Bishop Matthew Kukah and Peter Obi, former Anambra State Governor and Labour Party flagbearer in the last Presidential election. Because of his chummy relationship with these, Babalola could look them in the face and say No, and he did say ‘No,’ he was going to pursue the case to the end. But hardly could he have looked at the gathering of the traditional rulers and refused to shift ground. The traditional rulers were led by the head of traditional rulers in the South West, the Arole Oodua, the Ooni of Ife, Oba Ogunwusi. 

Such array collection of traditional rulers intervening in a dispute in court is unprecedented.  In my contemplation, I hinge the motivation for the intervention on the wise sayings of elders that they are that Eegun Alapinni jade, o m’ore dani, igbati ko m’ore lowo, ta lo to duro de e! Roughly translated, it says: The masquerade of head priest Alapinni comes out bearing  a cane in its hands; when it is without a cudgel, who can dare wait for it! This is an allusion to the professional standing of Afe Babalola as a legal luminary and an intimidating embodiment of law. How dare anyone go to court to challenge such a towering person! I also asked myself: Could Chief Babalola have changed his mind sensing himself coming to a certain harm pursuing the case to what may be considered a logical conclusion! Agbalagba t’o nle oromodie yio f’ekun bo! An elderly man who runs after chicks on the compound will eventually bruise his knees! In other words, given the class of Farotimi and his combustible circle and their fastidiousness, unremorseful posture, is the court battle worth it? 

We may not immediately know what went behind closed doors in the meeting the traditional rulers had with Chief Babalola. Has Farotimi repented, for example? Is he remorseful? Did the traditional rulers extract an apology from him or there was a pledged one from him? Even if he does apologise, how does that cure the purported damage complained was done to his illustrious name? How is the stain thrown at his immaculate white raiment washed clean for the sake of his chain of great grandchildren in the future? How is his effulgent dignity restored as the ‘damage’ to it he complains about is permanently in printed book and several copies have been circulated round the world through Amazon? 

All the while, pleadings to Chief had been focused on him throwing his complaints out of the window, but not on the reputational harm the publication may have done to his standing. The elders are wiser and they see far, it is to be hoped.  

Chief Afe Babalola has demonstrated large-heartedness of a community leader, an international figure who is being courted for speaking engagements in foreign lands, and an elder statesman. We keep our fingers crossed.

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