Monday, 08 April 2024 07:41

Greed, corruption greater sins than homosexuality, gambling – Sanusi

Muhammadu Sanusi II, the 14th Emir of Kano, delivered a thought-provoking message during a virtual Ramadan lecture on Sunday, emphasising the importance of spiritual introspection and condemning societal ills such as greed, selfishness, and corruption.

In his address titled “Some Dimensions of the Concept of Ibadah,” Emir Sanusi expressed a profound perspective on morality, suggesting that actions driven by greed, selfishness, and envy are more egregious sins than those traditionally considered taboo, such as unlawful sex, homosexuality, and gambling.

The former governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) highlighted a prevalent issue in Nigerian society, attributing social disorder to a lack of Islamic values in people’s hearts despite religious observances such as prayers and fasting.

Emir Sanusi went further to denounce corrupt practices within political leadership, alleging the misappropriation of public funds by a governor of a state implementing Sharia law. Though he refrained from naming the governor directly, he cited the example of a governor who purportedly embezzled funds to purchase a hotel in Lagos, condemning such actions as a betrayal of public trust.

Sanusi lamented the state of affairs in the mentioned state, branding it as a “most serious example of backwardness,” implying that corruption and mismanagement hinder progress and development.

The revered economist stressed the importance of accountability among leaders, asserting that a consciousness of answering to a higher power for entrusted responsibilities would deter corruption and promote ethical governance.

His words, “On Social order and Ibadah, you know when our hearts are not good, our deeds will not be good,” he said.

“We say we are Muslims, we go to the mosque and pray and Allah says prayer stops evil deeds and wrong deeds. Why is it that we go to pray all the time, we fast all the time and then we are committing this evil?

“How do you get a Muslim to become a minister or governor and all he is thinking of is how he is going to steal public funds to build a big house for himself or have billions for his children and deny people?

“When you know what the prophet has said about leadership. It is a trust and on the day of judgment, it would be a source of bitterness sadness, and regret, for those who do not keep that trust properly.

“When you sit down and know that you are going to account to Allah for this wealth, you are going to answer for it, how do you get to that office and steal public funds? This is why you have a social disorder.

“We even have had state governors who said they were practising sharia, they were leading the implementation of sharia and they were stealing money and buying hotels.

“There was a governor implementing sharia in a sharia state who stole public funds and bought a hotel in Lagos. And he says Allahu Akbar.

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