The Chief Whip, Orji Uzor Kalu, has the NWC and 108 senators-elect of his interest to become Senate president.

This is contained in a statement issued by the Media Office of the Chief Whip of the Senate, yesterday, in Abuja.

He, however, refuted the report that South East senators-elect have endorsed him. He said senators-elect from the South East only met to make a demand from the President-elect and the party and had not endorsed any candidate.

Kalu, in the letters which he personally signed and addressed to each of the NWC members and senators-elect, said he was offering himself for the position with sincerity of heart, humility and candour.

He explained that his seemingly inactive disposition in the contest of the senate presidency was because of the one month dedicated to mourning of his late wife, Ifeoma.

Attached to the letters of intent is Kalu’s Legislative Agenda, which has six priorities – economic growth and reform; constitutional and electoral reform; national security; improved social conditions and welfare; efficient and effective National Assembly and global influence. The former Abia governor  promised to promote and defend the constitution as well as foster a congenial and cordial relationship between the executive and the judiciary.

Part of the letter read: “It is with a deep sense of joy and humility that I bring you warm greetings and that of Abia North Senatorial zone. My emergence as the Senator to represent Abia North in this critical time in the history of our dear nation comes with huge responsibilities, top of which is to make quality laws for the good governance of our people. To be able to achieve these enviable goals, we require good leaders who will pilot the affairs of the 10th Senate. Leadership of a sophisticated Senate at the 10th Session will need men and women with abundance of shared vision, consensus building, charisma, credibility and pragmatism in the saddle. This is why I most humbly write to officially inform you of my interest to be elected the next Senate President. I make this offer to serve you and the Nigerian people with sincerity of heart, humility and candour.

“The biggest asset I bring to the table is wisdom and experience garnered over the years in the management of human and material resources. I promise to work for you, promote and defend the constitution and the party, and foster a congenial and cordial relationship between the party, the executive and judiciary. One thing is indubitably certain: working together in unity and mutual love and respect, we can take Nigeria to real next level of peace, progress and development,” the letter read in part.

•APC’s micro-zoning faces setback

Meanwhile, the Parliamentary Advocacy Network (PAN Nigeria), has rejected what it called political shenanigans, executive recklessness/misadventures and unwanted interferences in the selection of presiding officers of the National Assembly.

The group, with bias for the independence of national and states Houses of Assembly, noted with dismay how what ought to have been a simple, seamless and innocuous parliamentary process is being allowed to overheat the nation’s political system in a manner that is reminiscent of the weeks and days leading to the February 25 and March 18 general elections.

It stated this at an emergency meeting in Abuja held to deliberate on issues at stake across the country, especially the choice of presiding officers for the National Assembly by the incoming administration of Bola Ahmed Tinubu.

In a communique signed by Sunny Anderson Osiebe,  national coordinator, Fred Itua, national secretary and Nkem Anyata-Lafia, national publicity secretary, the Network said: “We have also noted the widening and dangerous predilection to what looks to be a budding and rising incidence in executive interference and rascality in the activities of the National Assembly, which we perceive deeply as a misconception of what in political parlance is, usually, termed as lobbying.

“While we condemn this overbearing attempt to railroad the emerging 10th National Assembly in the direction of a particular mind-set, we wish to inform Nigerians that the legislature is one of the three arms of government, whose independence is guaranteed by our Constitution and the principles of democratic governance.

“The fact of the above, therefore, compels the need for Nigerians of all tongues and creeds to rise in unison in condemnation of the aforementioned activities in order to nip in the bud the general tendency by members of the executive and their powerful individual agents of coerciveness to take over the activities of the legislature in the emerging 10th National Assembly.”

•Ex-senators back aspirant Seventy-two non-serving senators have endorsed former Minister of Niger Delta Affairs, Godswill Akpabio, for the position of Senate President.

Addressing a press conference in Abuja, yesterday, on behalf of the  ex-senators, Basheer Lado, former senator representing Kano central, said in the spirit of fairness and equity, the number three position should be zoned to the South South and given to Akpabio.

Lado, convener of the group, said Barau Jibrin, senator representing Kano north, contender for the senate president position, should be given the deputy senate president position.

•Yari’s supporters flay endorsement 

A group, Good Governance Initiative (GGI), backing Senator Abdul’aziz Abubakar Yari a has berated the 72 non-serving senators of the Second to Fourth Republics for backing Senator Akpabio and calling other presidential aspirants to step down.  The pro-Yari group said the call amounted  to double standard as many members of the  group had championed the independence of the legislature in the past when it suited their interests.

Its President, Kunle Sanusi, while reacting to the endorsement of Akpabio said said Yari would remain in the race to resist the gang-up against his candidature.

“Senator Godswill Akpabio was part of the PDP Senators who voted for a Senate president to ensure the independence of the legislature in 2015. Now he has changed, he want to be handpicked and not emerge through a democratic exercise. That tells you the kind of Senate President they want to install on the 10th National Assembly,” Sanusi said.


Last modified on Tuesday, 09 May 2023 12:35

Ahead of the May 29 inauguration of a new administration, civil society organisation (CSO), Fixing The Future, has called on President-elect, Bola Tinubu, his deputy, Kashim Shettima, governors and other public officials to declare their assets. 

Urging politicians to comply with the extant law on asset declaration, the organisation equally advised them to declare assets of their spouses and unmarried children under the age of 21, as prescribed by the Code of Conduct Bureau and Tribunal Act. 

The Executive Director, Stanley Ekpa, who addressed journalists yesterday in Abuja, said the demand followed findings that public officials only declare their personal assets and exclude those belonging to members of their households in contravention of existing law.

He regretted that about 94 per cent of public office holders do not comply with Section 15 (1) (c) of the Code of Conduct Bureau and Tribunal Act on full disclosure of assets and liabilities.
According to him, unless the nation’s asset declaration and declared asset verification system is made efficient, contract and procurement corruption would not abate.His words: “We want to draw attention of public officials to Section 318, Paragraph 19 of Part I and Part II of the Fifth Schedule to the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (as amended) that the law requires all public officials, their spouses and unmarried children under the age of twenty-one (21) to declare their assets and liabilities in the asset declaration forms as prescribed by the Code of Conduct Bureau (CCB). 
“The scourging cost of corruption is staggering. Of the approximately $13 trillion that governments spend on public projects across Africa, more than 45 per cent is lost to contract corruption. Data from the African Union show that Nigeria loses over $7 billion to corruption yearly. At the continental level, it is estimated at $140 billion. 

“A figure that is equivalent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of five countries in Africa. PwC projects that corruption in Nigeria could cost up to 37 per cent of GDP by 2030 if it is not curtailed. As we all know, corruption drains public finances, affects efficiency in governance and lowers standard of living. 
“To curtail corruption in public service in Nigeria, public officials must observe and obey provisions of the extant law on full disclosure of their assets and liabilities before and during their tenures.”

Ekpa added: “Consequently, we are going beyond just this press conference to holding a National Symposium on Asset Declaration and Declared Asset Verification in partnership with relevant stakeholders. The symposium is to raise awareness with both outgoing, incoming and existing public officials on the need to comply fully with legal requirements for asset declaration and seek creative ways for collaborative action in verifying declared assets.”


Last modified on Tuesday, 09 May 2023 12:37

Before it gains traction and embarks on a life of its own, I wish to state clearly that the word “Reconciliation”, inserted into some reports of Peter Obi’s visit to me yesterday, Sunday, May 7, is a most inappropriate, and diversionary invocation. Let me clarify:  I know the entity known as Peter Obi, presidential candidate of the Labour Party. I can relate to him. I know and can relate to the Labour Party on whose platform he contested elections. There are simply no issues to reconcile between those two entities and myself.  However, I do not know, and am unable to relate to something known as the “Obidient” or “Obidient  Family”. Thus, albeit in a different vein, any notion of Reconciliation, or even relations – positive, negative or indifferent - with such a spectral emanation is simply grasping at empty air.

During that meeting, attended by two other individuals only, the word “Reconciliation” was never bruited, neither in itself nor in any other form. It simply did not arise. By contrast, there were expressions of “burden of leadership” “responsibility”, “apology”, “pleading”, “formal dissociation from the untenable”, all the way to the “tragic ascendancy of ethnic cleavage”, especially under such ironic, untenable circumstances. Discussions were frank, and creative. The notion of Reconciliation was clearly N/A – Non Applicable. It was never raised.

The following should be understood, but never underestimated. What remains ineradicable  from that weekend of orgiastic rave in the social media was the opening up of the dark, putrid recesses in the national psyche that we like to pretend do not exist. It invited – into minds seeking a grasp on reality - gruesome variations on images from Dante’s Purgatorio. A fathomless pit was exposed, at the bottom of which one glimpsed a throng of the damned, writhing in competitive lust for the largest of the gangrenous ladles in a diabolical broth. To peek over the edge of that pit for a prolonged spell was to turn giddy, with a risk of falling into the tureen of inhuman pus. To attempt to navigate one’s way, however gingerly,  along a mat spread across the infernal abyss, is an invitation to moral suicide.

For the serious minded, I call attention to essays I have offered on the theme of Reconciliation based on Truth, and the ethical imperative of Restitution. There will be further elaborations forthcoming in DEMOCRACY PRIMER III – Bookcraft’s INTERVENTION series, now brought forward for publication on June 12, the watershed extorted from the current regime as the nation’s Democracy Day,

If, from here on, I now comply with entreaties from several valued, genuinely concerned directions, and ignore new provocations, however vile, it is only because I also approve of Mohammed Ali’s strategy of Rope-a-Dope, where blind menace is left flailing hopelessly at the disdainful manifest of Truth.


Last modified on Tuesday, 09 May 2023 12:38

Primate Elijah Ayodele, the leader of the INRI Evangelical Spiritual Church, has declared that the president-elect, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, will be inaugurated on May 29 unless God directs otherwise.

In a statement signed by his media aide, Osho Oluwatosin, Primate Ayodele stated that no one will be able to stop the inauguration, despite the fact that the Muslim-Muslim combination does not correspond with God’s plan for Nigeria and will lead to difficult times for the country.

He noted that the Labour Party’s presidential candidate, Peter Obi, did not win the election and that going to court will have no positive impact on his ambition.

He urged him not to go to court because he would lose.

Primate Ayodele revealed that he warned Peter Obi ahead of the election and told him what he needed to do if he wanted to win the presidential election, but he didn’t do any of them, which led to his defeat at the polls.

‘’Nobody can stop Tinubu from being inaugurated as the president of Nigeria on May 29, only God can stop him. I am not in support of the Muslim-Muslim ticket, God has never approved the combination for Nigeria. There are consequences the country will face as a result of that. Nigeria will face hard times with Muslim-Muslim ticket’’

‘’Peter Obi didn’t win the election, he can’t be president. Going to court for Obi is now a waste of money, time, and energy. He didn’t win the election and even if he goes around the world, he still will not be declared winner.’’

‘’I remember saying Obi is only making noise, and I said if Igbo loses 2023, they will not smell presidency in the next 30 years; this is what has happened now. I warned Obi that he isn’t ready for the election, I told him some of the things that will give him victory but he didn’t do anything. Why is he crying now? ‘’

Speaking further on court cases, Primate Ayodele stated that only a few states in the country can experience a turnaround.

He stated that election results will not be upturned in most states while unveiling some of the states that can experience few changes.

‘’There are some states where politicians shouldn’t bother to take election cases to court because they will lose blatantly. The states where the court can turn victory around are few. For example, the real winner of the Kaduna election is PDP, not APC and this is why I warned the APC candidate not to rejoice because he may still be sacked in a fair court judgment. PDP didn’t win in Enugu, Labour Party will still win in a fair judgment. In Niger state, APC’s victory is sealed even though the PDP wants to go to court.’’

Last modified on Tuesday, 09 May 2023 05:42

The National Working Committee (NWC) of the All Progressives Congress (APC) has anointed former Governor of Akwa Ibom State, Senator Godswill Akpabio as the Senate President of the 10th Assembly, while Hon. Tajudeen Abbas from Kaduna State has also been named as the Speaker of the House.

The National Publicity Secretary of the party, Felix Morka disclosed this while briefing journalists at the end of the NEC meeting held on Monday at the national secretariat of the party in Abuja.

He said: “The National Working Committee of the All Progressives Congress (APC) met today, Monday, May 8, 2023 to consider reports of consultations and meetings held with the President-Elect, His Excellency, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, other Party leaders and stakeholders on zoning arrangement for 10th National Assembly leadership positions.

“The NWC noted with respect the outcome of the meetings held between the President-Elect and the leadership of the NWC. The NWC called for further and better consultation with necessary stakeholders in order to assure the support of the aspirants to the National Assembly leadership positions and members of the Party nationwide.

“The zoning arrangement reported to the NWC is as follows: Senate President – South-South Senator Godswill Akpabio (Akwa Ibom); Deputy Senate President – (North West), Senator Barau Jubrin (Kano).

‘Speaker, House of Representatives North West-Hon. Abass Tajudeen (Kaduna); Deputy Speaker (South East), Hon. Ben Kalu (Abia).

“We urge our party leaders, members and all Nigerians to continue to work for peace and progress of our country during and beyond the current period of leadership transition.”

Last modified on Tuesday, 09 May 2023 05:42

Nobel laureate, Professor Wole Soyinka, has described the word ‘reconciliation’ in some media reports of Peter Obi’s visit to him on Sunday, as a “most inappropriate and diversionary invocation”.

Soyinka stressed that there was basically no issue to reconcile between him and Obi, who was the Labour Party, LP’s presidential candidate in the February 25 elections.

Recall that Obi’s supporters, popularly called “Obidients”, had verbally attacked the Nobel laureate for describing Datti Baba-Ahmed’s comment on Channels TV as fascist.

Obi had, on Sunday, paid a courtesy visit to Soyinka at his Ogun State residence.

However, the Nobel laureate, in a statement on Monday titled, “A visitation, and the allure of Reconciliation,” in response to some media reports on the visit, stressed that there was simply no issue to reconcile between him and Obi.

The statement read: “Before it gains traction and embarks on a life of its own, I wish to state clearly that the word ‘Reconciliation’, inserted into some reports of Peter Obi’s visit to me yesterday, Sunday, May 7, is a most inappropriate, and diversionary invocation.

“Let me clarify: I know the entity known as Peter Obi, presidential candidate of the Labour Party. I can relate to him. I know and can relate to the Labour Party on whose platform he contested elections.

“There are simply no issues to reconcile between those two entities and myself.

“However, I do not know, and am unable to relate to something known as the “Obidient” or “Obidient Family”.

“Thus, albeit in a different vein, any notion of reconciliation, or even relations – positive, negative or indifferent – with such a spectral emanation is simply grasping at empty air.

“During that meeting, attended by two other individuals only, the word “Reconciliation” was never bruited, neither in itself nor in any other form. It simply did not arise.

“By contrast, there were expressions of ‘burden of leadership’, ‘responsibility’, ‘apology’, ‘pleading’, ‘formal dissociation from the untenable’, all the way to the ‘tragic ascendancy of ethnic cleavage’, especially under such ironic, untenable circumstances. Discussions were frank, and creative.

“The notion of Reconciliation was clearly N/A – Non Applicable. It was never raised.

“The following should be understood, but never underestimated. What remains ineradicable from that weekend of orgiastic rave in the social media was the opening up of the dark, putrid recesses in the national psyche that we like to pretend do not exist.

“It invited – into minds seeking a grasp on reality – gruesome variations on images from Dante’s Purgatorio.

“A fathomless pit was exposed, at the bottom of which one glimpsed a throng of the damned, writhing in competitive lust for the largest of the gangrenous ladles in a diabolical broth.

“To peek over the edge of that pit for a prolonged spell was to turn giddy, with a risk of falling into the tureen of inhuman pus.

“To attempt to navigate one’s way, however gingerly, along a mat spread across the infernal abyss, is an invitation to moral suicide.

“For the serious minded, I call attention to essays I have offered on the theme of Reconciliation based on Truth, and the ethical imperative of Restitution.

“There will be further elaborations forthcoming in DEMOCRACY PRIMER III – Bookcraft’s INTERVENTION series, now brought forward for publication on June 12, the watershed extorted from the current regime as the nation’s Democracy Day,

“If, from here on, I now comply with entreaties from several valued, genuinely concerned directions, and ignore new provocations, however vile, it is only because I also approve of Mohammed Ali’s strategy of Rope-a-Dope, where blind menace is left flailing hopelessly at the disdainful manifest of Truth.”

Last modified on Tuesday, 09 May 2023 05:43

Governor David Umahi of Ebonyi has disclosed that the President-elect, Bola Tinubu, urged him to step down for Sen. Godswill Akpabio in the race for the 10th Senate’s presidency.

Umahi made the disclosure on Monday at the Muhammadu Buhari International Airport, Onueke while answering questions from newsmen on arrival to the state from Abuja.

The governor said that he discussed the issue of his senate presidency bid with Tinubu and had to accede to his request in the interest of the All Progressives Congress (APC) and the South East zone.

“I discussed the issue with him when he was in Paris and on return to the country, he invited me.

“It was an honour to be invited by the president-elect and he told me that he had made commitments.

“It is his right as the president-elect to make commitments and anyone running for such office makes promises.

“I did not want to be a clog in the wheel of his progress so I accepted,” he said.

Umahi said that his withdrawal from the race was in the interest of the Southeast as it could no longer continue to be in the opposition.

“We cannot continue opposing everything as politics is all about dialogue, give and take.
“What could have happened if I said no and considering our efforts to promote the APC in the zone, we will get a tangible position,” he said.

The governor said that he was not aware of any resolution of southeast senators to support former Abia Governor, Sen. Orji Kalu for the position.

“I am the chairman of the Akpabio campaign council and can tell you that we have more APC senators on our side,” he said.

He said that he would never lobby to be appointed a minister in the incoming administration but leave the decision to destiny, Tinubu and the party.

“I will accept whatever God wills for me but as a person, I will prefer to be in the senate to rest.

“I will however, have no choice if it is the sacrifice to make in the interest of the party, south-east and to help the president-elect,” he said.

Last modified on Tuesday, 09 May 2023 05:43

The Arole Oduduwa, Ooni of Ife, Adeyeye Babatunde Enitan Ogunwusi Ojaja II (CFR) has made an appeal to all Nigerians across the country regardless of party affiliations to unite and work together with the President-Elect, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu for the progress of Nigeria.

Ooni Adeyeye made this call in Lagos while hosting a high delegation sent by Kenyan President, William Ruto headed by Kenya’s Chief of Staff and Head of Public Service, Francis Koskie; also Chairman, Dangote Group, Alhaji Aliko Dangote; CEO of Propetrol Harry Ebohen, Governor of Ogun State; Prince Dapo Abiodun and Fintech Guru Kunmi Demuren who met with the president-elect, Bola Tinubu at his Lagos residence.

TRIBUNE ONLINE gathered series of discussion was held on how Africa can synergise to bring about national development; creating a platform for prosperity through African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) while creating an innovative future for our young people.

Ooni said, “Nigeria remains Africa’s largest economy, most populous nation, and a political powerhouse. During my last visit, the Kenyan President assured me of his government’s unwavering determination to improve its nations’ and businesses’ footprints in Nigeria. Africa is the world’s engine, and we must remodel its priceless natural resources and safeguard its age-old wealth for our progress”.

After the meeting with the Kenyan Government representatives and Nigeria’s business communities, Asiwaju Tinubu also showed his readiness to partner with other business leaders in his quest to transform Nigeria’s economy and also transit Nigeria from a consuming-dependent economy to producing economy.

He made recourse to Alhaji Aliko Dangote’s $20 billion refinery which is set to commence operation fully by the end of the month.

Asiwaju also expressed his readiness to partner with East Africa, most especially Kenya by creating a more robust partnership; rejigging its long relationship which will help both governments grow astronomically in trade, cultural exchange and intergovernmental development.

Ooni also averred that as the country transitions to a new government, it’s best for all hands to be on deck regardless of candidate choice and party affiliations as the election has gone and governance and putting Nigeria on the right path to greatness should be a collective effort.

“As the presidential inauguration approaches, I beseech you all, young and old, Obidients and Atikulates, hopeful and weary, amiable and passionate, to lay down your arms.

“There is no reason to waste time looking back; all we have is today and the future. Now is the time to embrace our diversity and uniqueness. We may differ in opinions and approaches to achieving a better Nigeria, but we all want a nation we can be proud of. Let us come together to support the vision of Asiwaju Gbogbo Ile Oodua,” he was quoted as saying.

Last modified on Tuesday, 09 May 2023 05:43

No fewer than 40 people were abducted by bandits during a Church service at Bege Baptist Church, Madala along Buruku Baringi road in Chikun local government area of Kaduna.

The state chairman, Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), Kaduna state Chapter, Rev. John Joseph Hayab made the disclosure during an interview with newsmen in Kaduna.

He said, “The worshippers were in the Sunday service around 9:30 am when they heard gunshots very close to the Church. The gunmen attacked the Church and went away with 40 worshippers.”

“Along the way, somehow 15 of the kidnapped persons returned remaining the rest 25 who are presently in captivity without any word from their abductors.”

Hayab said that efforts are being made to get in contact with the abductors concerning the remaining people and prayed that the abductors would be merciful to release the remaining 25 back to their families.

Reacting to the development, the state Police spokesman, DSP Mohammed Jalige, said the state police command has not been briefed by the DPO in charge of the area, promising, to contact the DPO of the affected area for prompt action.

Last modified on Tuesday, 09 May 2023 05:43

A 56-year-old retired boxer, Moses Olapade, has been arrested by the Ondo State Police Command for allegedly assaulting his wife, Atinuke Olapade, to the point of unconsciousness over a minor disagreement.

The incident reportedly occurred at their home in the Odamo area of Oke Aro in Akure South Local Government Area of the state.

According to reports, the retired boxer-turned-truck driver hit his wife after she refused to give him the television remote control while they were watching a program together.

The wife’s refusal to comply with his request was said to have angered the ex-boxer, leading to the physical assault.

A neighbour, who witnessed the incident, revealed that Olapade had returned from the northern part of the country after two weeks, and upon his return, wanted to watch a program different from his wife’s.

He reportedly instructed his wife to change the channel, but she declined. This allegedly infuriated the ex-boxer, who proceeded to hit his wife repeatedly in the face.

It was gathered that the couple’s children ran out of the house screaming for help after their mother fell unconscious. Neighbours who responded to their distress call intervened and rushed the victim to the hospital where she was revived.

According to a community leader, who spoke on condition of anonymity, the suspect paid for his wife’s medical expenses before he was apprehended by the police following a report of the incident.

Confirming the arrest, the Police Public Relations Officer in the state, DSP Tee-Leo Ikoro, said the suspect had been detained at the police headquarters in Akure and would be charged in court after investigations have been completed.

Ikoro said: “We have arrested the suspect and he is in our custody. He will be charged to court after investigations have been concluded.”

Last modified on Tuesday, 09 May 2023 05:44