Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, the General overseer leader of Christ Embassy has been challenged to raise legendary actor, Mr Ibu and singer Mohbad.

This comes after he claimed to have raised over 50 people from the dead in the past year.

During a recent Healing Steam Festival, Pastor Oyakhilome made the controversial statement.

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome asserted that his ministry has raised more than 50 people from the dead in the past year.

He said;

“In the last one year, we have had more than 50 people raised from the dead. How do you explain such things? Both old and young, in various countries. How do you explain? What will you use to explain them? Including the ones that happened in the hospitals to the amazement of doctors and nurses. How do you explain? Maybe we bribed them in heaven or hell to come back. You know sometimes they say we bribe people, maybe we bribe the dead to come back to live. Wouldn’t that be wonderful?”.

“In the last one year, we have had more than 50 people raised from the dead. How do you explain such things? Both old and young, in various countries. How do you explain? What will you use to explain them? Including the ones that happened in the hospitals to the amazement of doctors and nurses. How do you explain? Maybe we bribed them in heaven or hell to come back. You know sometimes they say we bribe people, maybe we bribe the dead to come back to live. Wouldn’t that be wonderful?”.

Reacting, Nigerians took to social media to challenge him.

They asked him to raise Ibu and Mohbad if he has such power.

See comments below:

One I Am Avincii wrote, “Show workings with Mr Ibu and Mohbad.No be all this Cho cho cho

This statement has generated a mixed response.

Some social media users pointed to the recent deaths of celebrities like Mr Ibu and Mohbad, suggesting Pastor Oyakhilome attempt to resurrect them as a sign of good faith.

Others expressed skepticism, believing the pastor may have misinterpreted situations of unconsciousness.

One Bezo Yello Salon wrote, “Them they were unconscious, no dead person can raise again. Stop the deceit at this time and age

One Taiwo Junzi wrote, “And Freeze was begging you people to raise Mohbad the other day but you went into your koro and turned deaf ears

One It’s Kunle Real wrote, “Raise Mohbad and Mr Ibu. No be cho cho cho, show workings

One Tolzy Paul wrote, “If you don’t want to believe nobody cares. If Jesus Chris was in this generation. You people will still doubt his miracles”.


Last modified on Saturday, 23 March 2024 16:22

President Bola Tinubu attributed the gradual strengthening of the Naira against the Dollar to ongoing efforts to stabilize forex fluctuations in the country.

The President called on Nigerians to support the initiative by patronising locally produced goods to further strengthen the value of the Naira and reduce hardship in the country.

Tinubu spoke through his Special Adviser on Media and Publicity, Ajuri Ngelale, who addressed journalists at the Presidential Villa, Abuja, on Friday.


According to the Presidency, there is already a noticeable measure being taken by the regulatory body to firm up the nation’s currency, which has started to yield results.

Speaking further on the Federal Government’s resolve to put the suffering of the masses to an end, Ngelale said the Tinubu administration wants to ensure that those industries and sectors that are massively employing people would be prioritized with respect to government intervention.

Ngelale said the plan has culminated in the approval of over N75 billion to be disbursed to 75 large-scale manufacturers across all states of the federation.

He said a larger chunk of the interventions would go to manufacturers who employ over 1,000 Nigerians in each of their facilities and industries.

According to him, the objective is to see that large-scale industries do not just refuse to fire people but actively increase and expand their hiring.

Ngelale said, “I’m certain that everyone seated here and indeed Nigerians at large have witnessed the seismic shifts that have taken place within the nation’s foreign exchange market over the last several days and the strengthening of the Nigerian naira against the United States dollar.

“This is clearly the direction all of us have wanted to head. And we are very sober to the fact that this is no time to rest or to clap. This is a time to deepen our efforts to dig in and to work harder, which is why His Excellency President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, has approved a series of interventions to ensure that we see a mass strengthening of the Nigerian Naira against all other global currencies.

“One, His Excellency, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu wants to communicate very clearly to our people, that there has never been a more important time in our history to actively agree together that we will patronize and purchase made-in-Nigeria products across all value chains across all sectors.

“There is an intentionality that we must have on this issue that we want a strong currency, we want the spending power of our people to go up. We want every naira and kobo we earn to be more valuable not just here. But when we travel abroad, the way to achieve that is by doing just this.

“In addition to that, His Excellency Mr President beyond the appeal to Nigerians to actively and intentionally make that decision every day to patronize made-in-Nigeria products and services across the board, he is also wanting to ensure that Nigerians fully understand that the momentum that we are now seeing with respect to the strengthening of our currency is not going to slow down.

“The efforts that Mr President has put in place with collaboration with other agencies of government, as well as the Central Bank of Nigeria, in dealing decisively with sharp practices on certain cryptocurrency trading platforms, dealing decisively with sharp practices within the parallel market of the foreign exchange ecosystem that these things are now yielding fruit.”


The presidential spokesman equally assured that Tinubu is intent on increasing the spending power of the people and dealing with the issue of minimum wage.

He said Nigerians should expect the momentum of the Nigerian Naira and its strengthening to continue.

“We understand that there’s still going to be volatility to some extent, but we are seeing a lessening impact of that volatility, and as we move forward with the interventions Mr President is making in the foreign exchange market and will continue to make we will see increasing stability.

“The last point we want to emphasize is that President Bola Ahmed Tinubu is dealing decisively with the issue of the spending power of every naira and kobo that Nigerians are earning today.

“He is also ensuring that we bring a sustainable strength to the currency so that when we talk about a new minimum wage, because many of our people have asked when the new minimum wage is coming in, those negotiations are ongoing.

“But what we do not want is a situation in which the minimum wage continues to be what it has always been in the history of our country, which is a moving goalpost.

“If we do not get a firm grip on the value of our currency and it continues to be a volatile, devaluing asset, then whatever we do with the national minimum wage is going to essentially become a moot point, nullity. And so we are focused on ensuring that yes, we arrive at a new minimum wage that states can afford, and that will deal with all of the needs of Nigerian families across the country.

“But we also want to ensure that what we peg it at is sustainable over a number of years based on the long-term, you know, stability that we want to bring to the Nigerian Naira with the interventions we’re presently making.

“And this is the point that His Excellency Mr. President wants to emphatically make today.

“There is stability coming to the currency, we’re getting closer to it, and when the new minimum wage comes into effect, it is going to be one that will be sustained over a long period of time by a stable Nigerian Naira based on the interventions being made under his leadership.”

Ngelale noted that the Tinubu administration will prioritize manufacturers who employ higher number of people for government intervention.

He said this is important so that Nigerians who rely on large-scale manufacturers are protected.

He added: “We want to ensure that those industries and sectors that are massively employing our people are prioritized with respect to government intervention, which is why the President has approved over N75 billion to be dispersed to 75 large-scale manufacturers across all states of the federation.

“These are going to be manufacturers who employ over 1000 Nigerians in each of their facilities and industries. We are going to ensure that they have the support that they need at the large scale so that Nigerian families who rely on these large-scale businesses are protected.

“We want to see our large-scale industries, not just refuse to fire people but actively increase and expand their hiring at this difficult time.

“So the President is doing everything he can to ensure that he steps in to ease the burden on families while also ensuring that he holds the public sector and the Federal Government of Nigeria accountable to prudent spending, ensuring that we cut down drastically on travel expenditures, ensuring that with the temporary ban that is being put in place from April 1 on all but necessary foreign travel, we’re expecting to save over N5 billion per quarter.

“This is going to be one out of several initiatives the President is taking to ensure that we reduce waste in the public sector in such a way that we can actually steer these very needed recurrent resources into the hands of those who are doing important work on behalf of the Nigerian people”

Renowned musician, Ebenezer Obey, has shared details about his survival journey after undergoing prostate surgery, which nearly took his life.

He told Saturday Beats, “It is by the grace of God that I survived prostate surgery at the age of 82. I thank God for bringing me out of a prostate enlargement surgery operation at Kelina Hospital, Lagos. I thank my friends, followers, fans and people of God for their prayers. Some people came to visit me in the hospital. I thank them all.

“God told me I had not finished what he sent me to do on earth. He said He still had more assignments for me. I am also determined to do more of such works for Him. I will share the full testimony at my 82nd birthday on April 3.”

He added that despite his initial fears, Nigerian doctors and prayers aided his recovery.

The veteran juju musician also stated that he intended to release a song addressing prostate enlargement.

He said, “I also plan to release a song on the issue of prostate enlargement. I will talk about my experience and inform the public. It is a disease that usually afflicts males, and can happen to any man from the age of 40 and above. King Charles of Britain also had it. It is more dangerous when it is cancerous. I am grateful that mine was not cancerous. I am happy that I passed through it, and was congratulated when I survived it.”

Obey added that he had a major surgery on his legs two years ago. He stated that though there were complications after the surgery, he also survived it by the grace of God.

The ‘Board Member’ singer also stated that he was not sure he would still be alive if he was no longer singing.

Sharing his birthday plans, he stated that he would carry out philanthropic initiatives across nine locations, including Pacelli School for the Blind, and Lepers’ Colony, Abeokuta, Ogun State.

According to him, he would cap the activities with a thanksgiving service on April 3, 2024, at the Decross Gospel Mission, Lagos.

Last modified on Sunday, 24 March 2024 13:56

An interesting news report ‘provokes’ this article.

Ordinarily, I would not attempt to delve again into a controversial subject that has created the most crisis and confusion in Nigerian sports administration through the decades. The more one discusses it the more confusing it gets. Presently, there is no clear understanding in the separation of the roles and responsibilities of government, from those of the various sports federations.


On this matter, there are too many ‘experts’.


One wonders with what authority the different voices back the varied positions they take on such an esoteric subject. Most of those that knew how things worked ‘successfully’ in the past, and why, are either no longer alive, or are completely outside the present-day sports loop.

Those that are there now are either victims of the more recent failing adaptations, or are a part of this excursion into the bush led by the ‘blind’ as guide.

The country is today still swimming in uncharted territory that is leading to more confusion on the vexed issue of roles and responsibilities. What is going on now is a fanciful adoption of some foreign templates that may have worked in more developed climes, but surely have been flailing in the Third-World setting of Nigeria.

The President of the Nigeria Amputee Football Federation was on television some days ago. The Amputee football national team has been in camp preparing for the Amputee Football African Cup of Nations, taking place in Cairo Egypt from 19 to 28th of April, 2024.

The President, Paul Maduakor, as is the practise with every other sports federation president, says that the federation has completed its responsibility of assembling, preparing and camping the footballers. It is now waiting on the Sports Minister to respond to the budget for the event submitted to his office by the federation, for release of the funds for the competition-proper from government! Meanwhile, the federation is also seeking sponsorship support from the private sector, something that has proven to be as difficult as a camel passing through the eye of a needle for all federations, including the seemingly most lucrative, the Nigeria Football Federation!

The Minister has not responded. There is now the real threat, or risk, that unless funds are provided, the national team may not attend the championship.

This scenario is common.

Whose responsibility is it to fund competitions, domestic and international?

The above scenario is common now in Nigerian sports, clearly demonstrating the typical relationship between the Sports Ministry and every sports federation; this blurred area of conflict; and who is responsible for what within sports development, administration and competitions.

What brings them together and always creates the friction is the funding of International competitions. Outside of that the federations will continue to survive on life-support funds, no-domestic competitions, and the perennial dependence of government to cover international competitions.

Private sector funding has been very sparce and almost impossible for most federations, and that’s why most do not have the number of domestic competitions that can drive their grassroots, amateur or even elite sports development programs and events with any success.

During international competitions where the country’s flag is flown, the country’s national anthem is played, and the competitions are between national teams (not club sides), the federations fall on the Ministry of Sports almost entirely for funds.


That understanding was clear and generally acceptable to all until the issue of administrative power struggle reared its ugly head, some 30 years ago. Since then, sports administration lost some direction.
The big question now, therefore, is that in funding the International competitions what is the Ministry’s role? Is it to get the budget from the federation, approve it, get the funds from government and hand over to them, with or without any further supervision over the funds?

In the past, for providing the funds to run federation secretariats and International competitions, the government seconded a Secretary, provided a secretariat and nominated one or two members who was always eventually ‘elected’ or appointed Chairman of the board.

For three decades, since Independence, even though the federations were registered as private organisations of clubs and a few other major member-stakeholders in the sport, of equal representation on the board, there was always the government’s representative included in the board composition. The board doubled as the electoral college, appointing or electing its own Chairman. I repeat: the Chairman was appointed or elected from amongst the board by the board members. It was a simple, inexpensive, one-day process that attracted no acrimony, no public or private campaigns, and never resulted in controversies or litigation.

For 3 decades this arrangement worked almost flawlessly.

The Associations ran their domestic events without government funding, and only got government funding for international competitions. All of these without complaints.

When some sponsorship funding and international grants started to come into the associations’ accounts, ‘greed’ and the urge for non-accountability reared their ugly heads.

As revenue from other sources started to flow in, members of the board started to enjoy the freebies, and the clamour for freedom to escape financial scrutiny was birthed. There was extra booty to be shared since government took charge of the basic funding.

Then, there was a silent ‘protest’ and a plan was hatched to stop government’s nominee from becoming ‘automatic’ Chairman. This ‘nomination’ was identified as interference in the internal affairs of a private organisation by some radical members of the board. They rebelled by insisting new rules must be created, the electoral college expanded, and an expanded general assembly put in place to approve the new rules and elect a Chairman from amongst the general assembly and not the board.

The new ‘concoction’ made the process of electing board leadership convoluted, expensive, confusing and disenfranchising government, preventing it from playing its statutory responsibility in funding international events.

So, they fought government and changed the rules and process for electing the leadership of the federation.

To crown it they started to chant that government should hands-off the running of sports, that sport could run itself through private sector funding. Inadvertently, they took over government’s statutory responsibility to fund International events.

Thus was created a huge chasm in sports administration that has lasted 30 years without a clear resolution, plenty of friction, reduction in domestic and grassroots sports development, stagnation at elite sports levels, and ad-hoc and intermittent support that government provides different sports federations with international responsibilities for taking over what they cannot cope with for the ‘price’ of external funds that are not enough to do anything. Football led this rebellion against government. Till now, even football, with all the external funding it gets, is unable to funds its international competitions. It still depends largely on government.

The other federations stand no chance of securing funding from the private sector to run both local and domestic sports. The new sports policy of introducing business is a most desirable objective, but its success still lies decades ahead and would only go side by side Nigeria’s development as an economic power. Government in also a legitimate stakeholder through its funding and must have a legal membership in every federation with clear and unambiguous roles and responsibilities.

Of course, who pays the piper dictates the tune. That’s why Sports Ministers have been fighting back since 2004 when the rebellion started.

It will take plenty of courage and plenty of sacrifice on the part of federation members to give up a little and get a little, in order to clear up the cobwebs and bring back a workable and acceptable template that will include every stakeholder particularly government on an equal basis for true development to start again.


The Chief of Defence Staff, General Christopher Musa said the Nigerian Army has identified the person responsible for the attack and killing of the troops from the 181 Battalion in Okuama community in Delta State.

Musa stated this while giving an address in Abuja on Friday.

He noted that the Army is following up with the suspected culprit, and it is only a matter of time before he is caught.

The CDS said that the Commanding officer of the 181 Amphibious Battalion, Lieutenant Colonel AH Ali, had been targeted for trying to put an end to illegal oil bunkering in the area.

Musa said, “We know who did this, we are following up with him, and it’s just a matter of time, we are sure we are going to get him.”

Explaining the reason behind the attack, the CDS said, “I know him, the CO himself, Lieutenant Colonel Ali, of recent, because we were emphasising, we want the oil production of Nigeria to increase so that we will be able to have enough foreign exchange, and then things can really go down because we all know the challenges we are going through.

“And so, he insisted that all illegal activities within the general area must stop. So, he directed all his troops and they were stopping all these illegal bunkering, stopping all these things, and then these are the people benefitting from it.

“And so, when this issue came, it came as an opportunity for them to also go and do away with him, and that’s exactly what happened.”

Speaking on what led to the unfortunate tragedy, Musa said, “Basically, it was a community clash that was happening and those are his own area of responsibilities, and that was why he responded when initially, his soldiers, some soldiers were apprehended by the communities.

“We know that because of these issues of bunkering, we have a lot of pirates, militants that are still operating in the area, and they have a lot of funding because of the area at which it’s been carried out. So, they always have a lot of arms with them.

“These are people they know and that’s why when he heard it, he felt that these are my community, these are the people I know, and he went to say, oh, this thing that you’re doing is not right, whatever it is within the community;

“…we can do it, invite the stakeholders, let them come and handle it in a single mission and all these things, and the community said okay. And as they turned to go, they were rounding up, killed, not only killed, they were dismembered.

The general then said, “And I don’t know what kind of, for a human being to go to that extent to go for people that came on a peaceful means, then that’s something that must be looked at.”

Last modified on Sunday, 24 March 2024 13:56

A corp member has come online to lament after he discovered that he was assigned to the South-West security network, codenamed Amotekun Corps.

The young graduate, whose identity is yet to be revealed, shared a screenshot of his NYSC deployment letter on his Twitter page @bigfeeztm.

According to the screenshot, his place of primary assignment is listed as Amotekun, Ibadan, Oyo State.

Expressing disbelief and humorously questioning the authenticity of the posting, the graduate wrote; “NA JOKE BE THIS?

The unexpected posting to Amotekun Corps, a regional security outfit established to complement the efforts of the Nigerian police and other security agencies in tackling crime and ensuring the safety of lives and property in the South-West region, sparked a flurry of reactions on social media.


The graduate’s post quickly went viral, garnering massive attention and generating a wave of hilarious comments online.

See reactions online;

@ELT_Godwin said; “Lmaoooo you better be happy, you’ll get all the Available jazz and Opapaparada powers. A win win.”

@tfk_gawat said; “Corper Amoteks ???????? For Nigeria for Southwest.”

@theomolaraa said; “Don’t worry, your office is arranged already. You’re just going to be signing and assigning duties. Don’t let people scare you ehn it’s easy job.”

@hezekiah_alao said; “Nothing you wan tell me. You go dey fight beside Sunday Igboho.”

Last modified on Sunday, 24 March 2024 13:55

The West African Examinations Council, WAEC, has released the results of the first-ever Computer-Based West African Senior School Certificate Examination (CB-WASSCE) for private candidates, 2024 – first series.

The examination took place between Wednesday, January 31, and Saturday, February 17, 2024.

A total of 8,139 candidates sat the examination at 140 CBT centres nationwide.

According to the examination body, a total of 2,519 candidates, amounting to 30.95 per cent of the 8,139 candidates who sat the examination at 140 CBT centres across the country, obtained credits and above in a minimum of five subjects, including English Language and Mathematics.

WAEC noted that 3,424 candidates representing 42.07 per cent obtained credit and above in a minimum of five subjects (with or without English Language and/or Mathematics).

The entry figure (8,362) of the examination which was conducted between Wednesday, 31 January and Saturday, 17 February, showed a 4.30 per cent decrease in candidature when compared with the 2023 entry figure of 8,738.

Announcing the results in a statement signed by the Acting Head of the Public Affairs Unit, Moyosola Adesina, the Head of Nigeria’s Office of WAEC, Amos Dangut, said 3,862, amounting to 47.45 per cent of the total number of candidates that sat the examination were male, while 4,277, amounting to 52.55 per cent of the candidates were female.

Amongst the candidates that sat the examination, the statement noted that 21 were with varying degrees of special needs. Nine were visually challenged, two had impaired hearing and two were albinos, WAEC said.

The examination body also noted that a total of 459 examiners participated in the coordination and marking exercise.

The examination body further noted that the results of 65 candidates, representing 0.80 per cent of the total number of candidates that sat the examination, are being withheld for various reported cases of examination malpractice.

It, however, admitted that the CBT examination method for WASSCE “drastically reduced examination malpractices”, when compared to reported cases of 413 candidates (4.95 per cent) recorded for WASSCE for private candidates in the 2023-first series.

“These reported cases are being investigated and reports of the investigations will be presented to the appropriate committee of the Council for consideration,” it noted.

“Thereafter, the committee’s decisions will be communicated directly to the affected candidates.”

WAEC had in November 2023 announced that it had concluded plans to conduct its WASSCE for private candidates using the computer-based model, which was met with criticism from Nigerians.

Last modified on Sunday, 24 March 2024 13:55

Germany has introduced a new regulation to allow international students with student visas to work 9 months prior to their studies.

The country recently announced this second segment of its revamped skilled worker law, following the initial enactment in November 2023. 

The government aims to attract skilled workers from various industries and is doing so through its international student visa route by relaxing regulations.

According to the new regulation, non-EU citizens can apply for the visa for study applications, allowing a stay of up to nine months while preparing a university application. During this period, applicants can undertake language courses, gather necessary documents, and acclimate to the country.

Crucially, prospective students from developing countries can now work up to 20 hours per week during these nine months to support themselves financially. 

These changes benefit international students, including those who are yet to commence their careers, stand to benefit from the new regulations.

The new regulations facilitate the integration of work and study in Germany at all stages of higher education, even before admission. 

Similar to university applicants, third-country nationals interested in apprenticeships in Germany can now work while searching for opportunities. 

They are permitted to stay for nine months, provided they possess B1-level German proficiency and are below 35 years of age. During this period, they can engage in part-time work and continue working for 20 hours per week alongside their training once they secure an apprenticeship.

Under the new regulations, international students in Germany can now work more hours to support themselves financially.  The permitted time has been extended from 120 to 140 full days in any calendar year, equivalent to 20 hours per week, or 280 half days per calendar year.

Graduates of German universities are now allowed an 18-month stay post-graduation for job hunting, with the option to apply for permanent residence after two years of employment.

As these rules remain unchanged, graduates seeking a career change now have an alternative visa pathway through the EU Blue Card or German Skilled Worker Visa.

Also, applicants with a degree or vocational qualification recognized by Germany can apply if they have two years of relevant work experience, even if it’s not in the same field or industry as their qualification.

A bride has sparked reactions online after a video of her remixing her wedding vows surfaced.

The lady was on the altar with her husband as the priest officiating the wedding read out the vows for her to repeat after him.


Instead of the usual “For better or worse”, “For richer or poorer”, “In sickness and in health” and “Till death do us part”, she recited it as “For better for better”,

This has caused quite an uproar as some internet users believe her declaration was wrong while others disagree, claiming it is okay.



See reactions to the bride’s video;

bishy.opeyemi stated: “This is the best way to say your marriage Vows, there’s power in the tongue, you confess what you want.”

ejiro_arure claimed: “I knew she meant well when she said “till death do us part at old age”. May God bless and keep them.”

oppyjay_alaga said: “You people want her to marry an elderly and still be saying “…in poverty” ????. Person wey she use escape poverty oo”

michael._ added: “That’s actually a problem and not being woke or whatever she thinks. You think say the people wey arrange those words no get sense ni?”


Watch Video Below;


Last modified on Saturday, 23 March 2024 16:16

Amid ongoing rancour between the Labour Party and the Nigerian Labour Congress (NLC), a former spokesman of the defunct Atiku-Okowa Presidential Campaign Council, Daniel Bwala, has alleged that Peter Obi is planning to dump the party to join forces with former Kaduna State governor, Nasir El-Rufai in the Social Democratic Party (SDP).

In a post on his official X account on Friday, Bwala made this allegation and tied the latest development to the ongoing dispute in the Labour Party.

Naija News had earlier reported that the Labour Party had been at odds with the country’s labour union over calls for the removal of the party’s national chairman, Julius Abure.

However, speaking on the rancour, Bwala suggested that Obi will join forces with El-Rufai in the SDP as the Labour Party intensifies efforts to kick out the Abure-led national leadership of the Labour Party.

He wrote, “BREAKING-Peter Obi @PeterObi allegedly planning to unite with El-rufai @elrufai in Social Democratic Party as Nigerian Labour Congress set to take ownership and custody of their political party, the @NgLabour . Recall that there was a judgment of court that states that Nigeria Labour Congress owns Labour Party. NLC is now prepared to take custody of that party. Twist and turns in the coming days. But all that will not give sleepless night to @officialABAT who himself has his magic wands to wield.”

Last modified on Sunday, 24 March 2024 13:55