If you think some courses are not relevant in Nigeria, I won’t say you’re wrong. Some even argue these courses are what they are, even before the advent of the internet. They’re not just feasible. The propagation of digitisation and technological advancement has made some fields more demanding. Yes, daily discoveries tend to relinquish the importance of so many fields in schools. Notwithstanding, some courses are still doing very well in the labour market—lucrative and relevant. Here is a list of the highest-paying courses in Nigeria you can consider anytime: 

1. Law

If you want to study law, you must be very determined and be ready to put in the work. I won’t sugarcoat anything for you because this profession demands a lot of dedication. The aim of studying it should not be “I want to be a lawyer” — rather a question of “what kind of lawyer do you want to be?” You must consider the niche you’ll want to carve using the profession. What would distinguish you from every other lawyer? As a student, Law is a course you’ll never regret studying. It is prestigious and exposes one to different high-earning opportunities. You can’t deny that lawyers are very well respected in Nigeria; one of the reasons is their crucial role in society. On average, good lawyers earn between N1.8 to N18 million yearly.

2. Graphic Design

Technology improvement has made graphic design a formidable way of communicating in businesses, media and advertisement. It is a way of creating designs for a specific purpose that would be visually appealing. Currently, graphic designers are among the most sought-after people in advertising agencies, media organisations and design companies. You don’t have to contemplate; the future is bright, and technology has come to stay — it will only continue to improve. Studying graphic design gives you an edge, and you don’t have to wait until you finish the entire course before making a living. There are many tools available online to practice it. The yearly average salary of an outstanding graphic designer is N1.8 to N3.6 million.


3. Medicine

We cannot erode the fact that, as humans, we need to take medication if the need arises at any point in our lives. Medicine is highly regarded across the world. Even in Nigeria, you cannot be idle; you’ll find a place to work because it is very demanding. Becoming a medical professional and being excellent at it requires rigorous work. But never doubt the reward of this profession;  you can decide to be a specialist rather than just a doctor working with organisations, hospitals, and clinic centres. Don’t limit your thinking to what you see around you; this is a high-paying course in Nigeria and it is relevant anywhere in the world. As a specialist, you can earn an average of N1 million to N4.5 million annually.

4. Information Technology

Technology has posed the need to have skilled professionals in companies and organisations. It has made information technology one of the courses that receive the highest pay. It entails knowledge and skills in developing and managing computer systems and networks. These are areas employers are looking for to foster the growth of their firms in meeting and competing well in the world of technological development. This course can equip you to get employment if you aim to be a software developer, database administrator, cyber security and Information Technology manager — the course is a good starting point. Per annum, you can earn between N1.7 to N2.3 million.

5. Electrical Engineering

If you’re interested in electrical control systems, power maintenance, and how telecommunications work, you should opt for this course. This is a field that can always be noticed because electrical power is a necessity.  Electrical engineering is a course that would prepare you to work for companies in power generation and distribution, construction, transport networks, renewable energy, etc. You can dedicate your life to this field without regret or doubt. Your prowess will get you better opportunities after graduation. Electrical engineers tend to earn between N1.2 to N3.6 million per annum.


6. Computer Science

Computer science has proven to be one of the highest-paying courses over the years. This field is useful for every sector, even personally — the knowledge you get from it can shape how you handle tasks. You can be a software developer, data analyst, or anything concerning computational principles. You can specialise in artificial intelligence, numerical analysis, programming languages and database systems. The benefits of the course are enormous; you can work in technological companies and financial institutions and even create your own startup. In this digital age, computer scientists will continue to be relevant. Computer scientists earn N900,000 to N1.8 million per annum.


7. Estate Management

If you are interested in real estate, this course is for you. It will equip you to understand the legal use of land and how to manage and develop it. The real estate industry thrives very well in Nigeria; individuals, companies, and corporations hire estate experts to manage or sell their properties. You can be an adviser and investor in estate development. The average yearly earnings for a smart estate manager are around N1.2 million.

8. Petroleum Engineering

As a Nigerian, you should know petroleum is a very lucrative business. This course will enable you to understand every hydrocarbon-related activity, such as crude oil, gas, and other properties. In this sector, the salary structure is very encouraging; you can work for national and international companies. The growing need for energy has placed petroleum engineering as one of the most important and highest-paying courses in Nigeria. You can work as a drilling engineer, reservoir and production engineer. You can earn between N2.4 to N12 million per annum as a petroleum engineer.

Former Arsenal midfielder, Paul Merson, has said the team will beat Tottenham Hotspur in their North London Derby on Sunday.

The Gunners have a chance to extend their lead at the top of the Premier League if they defeat their rivals.

Merson, speaking with Sky Sports, claimed that Mikel Arteta has better players than Spurs.

He said: “I expect Arsenal to win this game because Tottenham will play gung-ho football, almost saying you have a shot and then we have a shot.

“That won’t work against Arsenal – they’ve got better players than Tottenham. They’re a better team, more of a unit and they’ll win the football match.

“I can’t see anything but an Arsenal win knowing how Tottenham like to play.

“They just open the game up and say, ‘we’ll see who can score more goals’. That will be so hard to do against Arsenal, who are a far superior football team.”


A 26-year-old Ebonyi State lady, Chinaza Nwaezere, battling goitre (thyroid enlargement) decided to go into sex work to raise the money for her surgery after two failed businesses in Enugu State. She tells how life has been for her caring for her sick father and six younger siblings with the proceeds from the ‘business’ and why she wants to quit

Where are you from?

My name is Chinaza Nwaezere. I am 26 years old. I am from Abakiliki Local Government Area in Ebonyi State.

Did you go to school?


No, I did not finish secondary school. In fact, I stopped in JSS 1. I could not further my education because it was the period my mother died, and she was the breadwinner of the family.

What year was this?

This was in 2014.


Where is your dad?

My dad is alive, but my mother was the one taking care of the family.

How has life been since your mother’s passing?

Hmm… Life has been hard since she passed, especially as my dad is not really doing his work as a father. Everything is left for me and my siblings to hustle to make ends meet. We are just trying to survive.

When you said your father is not doing enough as a father, what did you mean?

My father is not capable of taking care of us.

Is he sick? 

Yes, he is sick. He has been sick for many years, long before my mother’s demise. He has a heart condition, and because of that, he doesn’t do any hard work. He is just always at home because the doctors were very clear when they told him that he must avoid anything that would be classified as hard work. So, it has been me and my siblings struggling for the family.

We came together and gathered some money and opened a foodstuff business for him. That is what he does in Enugu. Although the business is very small and barely makes any profit, at least, my father can come out, interact with people, and make some sales so he will not just be lonely at home. He has been doing this business for a few years.

How many siblings do you have?

We are eight children. I am the second child. I have seven other siblings. Our last child should be around 11 years or so and he is still in school.

You mentioned you have an elder sister; where is she?

She is in Enugu. She is married with kids. She is a fashion designer. The burden of taking care of the family falls squarely on both our shoulders. My dad particularly relies on me so much and I have to do anything I have to do to provide, and all this was part of the reason I started sex work. My dad believed that, even if my siblings would not be able to give him any money for upkeep, I should be able to give him. We are really close.

How have you been able to live up to this responsibility?

Hmmm… It has not been easy. I was into food business. I sold food by the roadside in Enugu, but the business was not going as planned. It was not yielding much profit because the weight of the entire family was on it. It was from that business I took care of seven of my siblings and my father as well. The business collapsed before it even started. I also tried to do baking but it was not profitable to me. The money I was getting was not enough to take care of myself and my family.

It was around that period of my confusion that I was introduced to the ‘hustle’. I started hustling.

What do you mean by ‘hustling’? 

I started hookup (sex work) in Enugu but had to relocate to Asaba, Delta State. I didn’t work for up to one week before I relocated to Asaba.


It was someone who told me to move to Asaba. She said the business there would be more profitable than Enugu. I also wasn’t feeling okay there, because that is where my family is based. I was staying with my dad and had to lie to him every night and I didn’t like it. I had to just decide to either stop it and return to poverty or move to Asaba and make some money.

I had to lie to my dad that I had a job in Asaba. He was so happy. He told me to kneel and he prayed for me before I left. He doesn’t really know what I am doing there.


What year exactly did you move to Asaba?

I moved in January 2024. I have only been in Asaba for four months.

How much have you made in four months?

The thing is that it is not every day I normally go out for this kind of stuff. There is also an issue of police clampdown. They are everywhere here, disturbing us. I had to stop for a while because of the police palaver. They are really disturbing girls here. I was squatting with a friend of mine here but she drove me out of the house, saying that she couldn’t accommodate me if I was not bringing money into the house for some basic things. I became homeless for a while before I got to the place where I am squatting now. I pay N11,000 here every week.

In a month, I may hustle for just two weeks. The money that I get, I will try to save. The money that they are paying me here is not even big.

How much do you charge for your services?

I can tell a man that a night with me is N30,000. They will beat it down to around N10,000. If it is okay by me, I will go with the man.


What is the highest that you have been paid in a night?

The highest? I don’t know. If it is someone that I have looked at from afar and weighed his pocket, I can demand N50,000 or N40,000, and they may beat it down to N30,000 which is my regular charge. But, it is not that simple.

At what point did you notice that you had goitre?

It started developing in my body in 2022. I just woke up and noticed I had a swelling. I thought it was just neck pain or sore throat. I went to a pharmacy and got medication for a case of sore throat. But, it kept growing bigger. I carried it for the entire year and even into 2023. It was in 2023 that the pain became unbearable as the swelling got really bigger. It has been weighing me down. This is the major thing that made me say I must take it out.

It is really disturbing me. It is giving me reactions in my body.

Have you gone to the hospital?

Yes, I have. I did that in 2023. When I got there, the nurses said I would have to see the doctor. That day, I was unable to see the doctor because the crowd was too large. I had to leave. It was the University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital, Enugu. But, the thing normally itches me on my skin. Sometimes, it will itch me and I will have to scratch my body even in public. It makes me so uncomfortable. It has also made me develop a difficulty in breathing.


How have you managed to do your sex work in this condition?

It is not really an easy thing for me. Most times, people don’t know I am sick. If I come out at night for my work, some guys will see me and ask me what happened to my eyeballs. My eyeballs are almost popping out of their sockets because of this goitre. If I tell them, they will just give me some money and go and carry someone else. But, some of them may not look at me very well and they will carry me. When I get to the hotel room, the pain in my neck will be much but I have no choice.

Once I lie down with it to start the job, I always feel excruciating pain, but I just deal with it. I brace up and focus on the money I am going to be paid, knowing that, once I gather enough money, I will stop the work. I have just been managing because nobody will feed me.

Sometimes, when the guys in the hotel room notice that I have a swollen neck, they will ask me what the problem is and they’d just give me some money and not touch me. Most of them are afraid that I may have some disease that they may contract. Some are also scared to touch me so I don’t die in their eyes.

How much did the doctors say it will cost to treat you?

Before I relocated to Asaba this January, I went to a private clinic in Enugu, and the doctor, after many tests, said it was a surgery that I required and that it would cost N700,000. This was earlier in the year, and I don’t know if this has increased. I also went to the hospital two days ago to see a doctor and he has done some scans on my neck, and gave me some medication to be taking while waiting for the test results. They said it will go on Monday, they will tell us the next thing to do.

Are your family members aware that this is the kind of work you do to bring in money for their upkeep?


My father and younger siblings are not aware. My elder sister is aware. She has not told me directly that she knows but I know she does. She is a lady, she knows ‘what’s up’. She knows I don’t have any job I am doing so there is no way I will be bringing in money if it is not through sex work. There are some things she tells me that make me really sad.

What do you want Nigerians to do in this matter?

God really knows my heart that this is not what I wish to do with my life. I want to become healthy and go back to my food business and baking. There is no day that I don’t use to pray for God to forgive me and send my destiny helper for me. God finally did it for me when I met this content creator, Comicmiss2, who interviewed me and published it on her Facebook page.

I remember that one prophet came to me when I was waiting for a customer one day and told me that if I didn’t stop this work, I would die untimely from it. I told him that I would not die because God knows it is not my wish or intention to do this work. This is why when most guys carry me, after giving me the money, they will take it and run away.

Are you promising that if the surgery is done, you will not go back to the streets again?

I am promising the whole world that once the surgery is done and I come out, I will quit prostitution. I have even quit since my story went viral and donations started pouring in. There is no gain in this business. No gain at all. I know many girls who have lost their lives on this job.

Doesn’t it scare you sometimes that you may end up dead like one of these girls you speak of?


It does, but what do I do? Life itself is a risk. I have had many bad experiences myself but I am glad I have not lost my life. Some men will carry me, and when I get to the hotel room, they will have sex with me and beat me up after that. Some will even beat me during intercourse because it is the way they enjoy it. Or, is the ones that will sleep with me and still do me fake transfer? More than once, guys have carried me and done fake transfers for me after everything.

One time, one guy carried me and paid me N25,000. While I was sleeping, he opened my purse and stole the money. So, he slept with me and still stole from me. Some will even beat you and collect the money back. Where do I even start? The street is a mixed breed. You will meet good people and bad people. Some people will just give me money and leave the hotel room for me. They will not even touch me.

Most of the girls doing this sex work have stories to tell. None of them likes what they are doing. They have killed many many girls on these streets. Many have gone missing, but God is still keeping me alive. God knows I want to stop it. I would not want my children to go into this business. It is not a good thing. “Hook-up” is not a good thing. Many people are doing it for a reason. I know how many times I have escaped kidnappers and ritualists.

Can you remember any particular incident?

No, I cannot. I don’t want to talk about that.

What advice do you have for people who feel ‘hook-up’ is the only answer?

I pray that God should have mercy on them. There is no life in this business. There is no gain at all. The best option is to quit. The money got from ‘hook-up’ is not good money; it disappears mysteriously. Whatever money they have made from the business, they should use it to do something for themselves. For how long do they want to continue doing it before they settle down? By that time, no man will even talk to you about marriage.


So, that means you still dream of a day when a man would propose marriage to you?

Of course, yes. Yes! I want to get married like other ladies outside there. Most girls get married on these streets. Most prostitutes get their husbands here. Good men! But, I won’t get my own husband from the streets. I want a god-fearing man. I have left ‘hook-up’ totally and god will give me my own good man.

In a not-too-subtle competition for influence, Titilola and Ngozi, the two wives of the Osun State Governor, Ademola Adeleke, locked horns, each claiming to be the First Lady of the state.

Titilola, reputed to be the governor’s first wife, proudly bears the traditional title of Yeye Soludero of Ila Orangun in Osun State. She was honoured with the NET Ambassador award in 2023.

The governor’s other wife, Ngozi, from Dimorji Obokwe Mbieri in Imo State, was named the Face of Adire by former president Olusegun Obasanjo. She also recently received the United Nations Peace Ambassador award.


On April 22, 2024, two viral photos of the posters bearing the photos of the wives of the governor welcoming Nigeria’s First Lady, Oluremi Tinubu, to the state went viral on social media.

Senator Tinubu was billed to be in Osogbo, the state capital, the next day for the inauguration of the Alternative High School for Girls at Oke D.O, Ilesha Road.

The inscription on the poster bearing Ngozi’s photo read, “Welcome to the State of Living Spring. Experience the beauty of Osun State’s landscape,” and was signed off with her name as First Lady of the state.


In a separate poster, Titilola also welcomed Mrs Tinubu to the “Official turning of the sod ceremony of the Alternative High School for Girls at Oke D.O, Ilesha Road, Osogbo” signed off as First Lady of the state.

Checks by our correspondent showed that Ngozi and Titilola have the title “First Lady” clearly written on their X (formerly Twitter) bios, with the former conspicuously including the title in her X name.

Netizens differ

As the two fliers by Adeleke’s wives went viral, many social media users described the situation as confusing, while others lauded the First Lady title taken by both women.

A Facebook user, Anthony Alfred, wrote, “There’s nothing like first ladies in one family. The first wife is the first lady and the second wife is the second lady like that till the 700th lady or more. Moreover, when a man marries more than one wife, the office of the First Lady should be scrapped because of limited state resources.

Another Facebook user, OgoAdulawo, wrote, “Traditionally. In Yoruba culture, it is customary for the first wife to hold a position of authority over the other wives. As a result, the first wife is recognised as the foremost lady of Osun State, unless the governor intentionally designates a different individual for the title.

“It is worth noting that this cultural practice is deeply rooted within the social fabric of the Yoruba people and has been upheld for generations. Thus, it is important to acknowledge and respect this tradition’s significance and impact on the Yoruba culture.”


On his part, another netizen, Sirajudeen Abdulazeez, noted that the issue of a governor having more than one wife had never been an issue, so the two fliers inviting Senator Tinubu was not a problem.

“If the governor has more than one as is common with most sane African men then they are all first ladies. This has never been an issue in the country.

“Most northern governors have more than one wife and it has never generated any controversy. Besides, the Osun people are not complaining. Let’s do responsible and issue-based journalism. The women have not said they are fighting or competing. They are both first ladies.”

But another X user, Aderemi Bukola, said there were no constitutional provisions for the office of the first lady, so any political office holder could have as many first ladies as possible.

“One is only good to prevent confusion and scandals,” Bukola.

Flier bearing Ngozi’s photo fake – Gov’s aide

Following the controversy that greeted the two fliers, Governor Ademola Adeleke, through his spokesman, Mallam Olawale Rasheed, disowned the flier which purportedly came from the office of Mrs Ngozi.


Rasheed, in a statement on Monday (April 22, 2024), explained that Titilola was the First Lady, and would be the one to receive Tinubu’s wife during the visit.

He said, “The attention of Mr Governor has been drawn to fake news in circulation about conflict over who among the governor’s two wives is to host the First Lady of Nigeria, Senator Oluremi Tinubu, on her official visit to the state tomorrow (Tuesday, April 23, 2024)

“For clarification, Chief (Mrs) Titilola Adeleke, the First Lady of Osun, is officially hosting the First Lady of the republic tomorrow in line with the directive of Mr Governor; there is no confusion on this official position.”

The governor’s aide further stated that the mastermind of the fake flier had been arrested.

“The flier circulating purportedly from the office of Erelu Ngozi Adeleke, the wife of the state governor, is fake news and the person behind it was nabbed and questioned last night.

“The said flier was never authorised by Erelu Ngozi Adeleke. The material was manufactured and shared by elements who wanted to sow discord and create an atmosphere of confusion,” he added.

Mrs Tinubu, Ooni recognise Osun ‘first ladies’ 

But the President’s wife, while speaking at the event, recognised the governor’s wives as first ladies.

“Let me also reiterate that Osun State was chosen as the location for this school through a transparent and unbiased raffle draw process at a strategic meeting with the state first ladies. So, rest assured that the siting of this school here in Osogbo, emanated from a fair process and it is a divinely guided one,” Mrs Tinubu said.

In his remarks, the Ooni of Ife, Oba Enitan Ogunwusi, also acknowledged the role played by the governor’s wives in being a driving force behind the government.

“We will wait for you (Tinubu) over and over again for us to give you that honour. It’s very obvious that you are a unifier in this country; we can see all our first ladies behind our powerful political leaders, they are all sitting here, very gentle and amiable, they are the driving force behind all these political leaders that we are,” the monarch stated.

 Adeleke’s wives not alone

Findings by Sunday PUNCH revealed that several state governors, aside from Adeleke, have more than one wife, but some of whom jointly lay claim to the title of the First Lady.

Kebbi State Governor, Nasir Idris, is married to two wives, Zainab and Nafisa, who not only jointly run the office of the First Lady of the state, but also oversee two separate non-governmental agencies.


The Katsina State Governor, Dikko Radda, has two wives, Zulaihat and Fatima. Zulaihat is reputed to be the state’s First Lady while Fatima has the term, “Wife of the Executive Governor” written on her official Instagram and X profiles.

However, our correspondent sighted several pages and videos on different websites where the title of “First Lady” was used for the governor’s second wife, Fatima.

Gombe State Governor, Muhammad Yahaya, also has two wives – Asmau and Amina. Only Asmau is known as the official First Lady of the state.

Also included is the Bauchi State Governor, Bala Mohammed, who is married to Aishatu and Mariana. His first wife is officially recognised as the state’s First Lady.

Conversely, the Kano State Governor, Abba Yusuf, who has two wives – Mariam and Zainab –stated that his wives “will not be part of the governance” and has not recognised either of them as First Lady.

An X user, MS Ingawa, who claimed to have personally met Radda’s two wives, wrote, “It’s actually funny for people to waste their energy on (an) office with no constitutional mandate to the extent that we measure the governor’s competence or ability based on the selection of the First Lady.

“The office is at the discretion of the elected governor who may choose to officially recognise it or not. Recognised or not, the wife (wives) of the governor will play almost (the) same role. 

Ingawa said there had been governors in Nigeria whose wives were not known to the public.

“Some have more than one and nobody cares to know about them or even fight for the office on their behalf. It’s different in Katsina because all the two wives have a media presence. People tend to discuss more about what they see every day.”

Speaking with Sunday PUNCH, a lawyer, Segun Oladejo, explained that the title had no constitutional backing but had been merely recognised due to its usage over the years.

“The office of the First Lady of the federation or the state doesn’t enjoy constitutional favour. It became recognised as a result of continuous and long usage by different administrations over the years.

“Coming on the stride of anti-corruption in 2015, (Former president, Muhammadu) Buhari, stated that he won’t have the office because it’s not recognised but we all know what became of it as Aisha used it to the fullest. There can only be one person occupying the office,” Oladejo said.

Stole from community to buy arms


The goals of Correctional centres, otherwise known as Prison , are to strike a balance between punishment, rehabilitation and public safety while preparing inmates for a productive life after release.


However, in Nigeria , these goals have suffered severe set back as most inmates rather than being transformed into a better version of themselves, return back to the society hardened than they were before going to jail.


This was the case of a suspected leader of a kidnap gang arrested by the Rivers State Police Command under the watch of CP Olatunji Disu.

The suspect, Gift Ogbo (39), who is receiving treatment in the hospital, from injuries sustained during a botched kidnap operation , disclosed that he formed his gang while serving his 11 years jail term for a murder case.

Ogbo, who said he had never been to a classroom since birth, recalled how he roamed his village in Ndele, Emohua Local Government Area of Rivers State, during school hours, searching for opportunities to pilfer.

Due to his alleged villainous disposition, he was nick named ‘Akwa Ndele’, with parts of his body designed with bold scars .


Saturday Vanguard gathered that on March 29, 2024, Ogbo, led three members of his gang on a kidnap mission, in their operational tricycle, on Nkpolu road.


They reportedly intercepted a white Mercedes-Benz ML 350 4matic , parked on the road, with two occupants in the driver and passenger seats. 

But in an act of bravery, driver of the Mercedes who attempted to reverse and escape, hit a wall .
He reportedly drove menacingly towards two suspected members of the gang that stood in front of the car ,and ran over them.

The two suspects were

Ogbo and another member identified simply as Oyi-Baba, who were the gang’s muscle men. They were abandoned at the scene by their fleeing colleagues.

A mob was said to have descended on them and was at the verge of setting them ablaze when a Rapid Response Team that was contacted arrived the scene.

While Oyi-Baba reportedly died in the hospital, Ogbo , is still undergoing treatment, according to Police sources.

Prison gang

From the hospital bed, Ogbo, said, “ In 2012, I attacked one of my uncles during an argument over a parcel of land and he died in the process. 

I was arrested and charged for murder. While serving my 11 years hail term, I made friends with some inmates.

“Upon my release in December 2023, I returned to Ndele and rallied two old friends, Gift Kpanuku, aka Oyi-Baba and one Sunny, aka Onye-meme.

”We teamed up with two released members of the gang I formed in prison: Isaac and Ugo and immediately devised a plan to start a kidnap-for-ransom gang.

“ We stole from residents of Ndele to raise money for arms. We raised 370,000 and used it to purchase two locally made shot guns in Akwa-Ibom from Smart, a gunrunner I also met in prison.


“ We went on the first mission on March 13, 2024, at about 8.45 p.m. We snatched a red Mazda 323 from a local taxi driver to use as operational vehicle. On that same evening, we met a man and his wife who parked their car in front of a doctor’s office at Nkpolu. We ordered them out of their Volkswagen Touareg, pushed them into the back seat of the car and drove off with them, abandoning the stolen Mazda.


“ But on the way to our hideout, there was traffic .While contemplating an alternative route, the woman jumped out of the car. In anger, I shot her husband in both thighs, and we sped off.
We took him to a compound in Eleme, took his gold chain, gold wristwatch , his phone and wife’s phone which she left . We used his ATM card to withdraw N530, 000, via

Tunde Onakoya, the chess master, has taken to social media to reveal that someone gifted a house to his parents.

Onakoya, in a post via X on Friday, disclosed that the house gift for his parents is the “single greatest thing” anyone will ever do for him.

The chess master appreciated the person who gifted his parents the house, although he did not mention names.

Onakoya, who recently broke the Guinness World Record (GWR) for the longest chess marathon, also recalled his humble beginnings.

The ‘Chess In Slums Africa’ founder narrated how his mother worked as a cleaner so he could get an education. He added that his father worked as a danfo driver so they could feed and survive.

“Someone gifted my parents a new house today. It’s the single greatest thing anyone will ever do for me in this lifetime. Thank you My mother worked as a cleaner in the same school I attended so I could get an education while my dad worked as a Danfo driver/bus conductor so we could feed and survive,” he wrote.

“My greatest joy in life is to be able to give them both the life they truly deserve.”


Law Lee, an associate of embattled singer, Naira Marley, has made a snide remark about the late singer, Ilerioluwa Aloba, popularly called Mohbad.

Mohbad died at the age of 27, on September 12, 2023, with circumstances surrounding his death sparking controversies on social media.

In an Instagram post on Friday, Law Lee expressed his level of hatred for Mohbad.

His statement came after Portable tackled Zinoleesky, on social media for acquiring a Ferrari despite not having a hit song.

According to him, the hatred for the deceased increases every day even after his death.

He explained that Mohbad’s alleged disparaging remarks about fellow artist Oniyide Azeez aka Zinoleesky led to a public confrontation towards him on social media by a controversial artist, Habeeb Okikiola aka Portable.

He further stated that if Mohbad had not made negative remarks about Zinoleesky, Portable wouldn’t have made such a move.

He wrote, “Every day my hatred for Mohbad keeps increasing even after his death …. If not for all those miscap about zino na why this @portablebaeby get mind dey sub am .. Fooooooooooool.”

A former record label signee of Marlian Music owned by Naira Marley, Mohbad left the label in February 2022.

The Lagos State Police Command had, on September 18, 2023, inaugurated a 13-man special investigation team to probe the singer’s death.

A probe into his death also led to the arrest of Naira Marley and controversial Lagos socialite, Balogun Eletu, also known as Sam Larry, among others.

The duo’s had before their arrest faced criticism for allegedly mistreating Mohbad before his passing in September 2023.

The Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria has expressed concern over the detrimental impact of medical practitioners emigrating abroad in search of better opportunities, revealing that 72,000 out of 130,000 registered doctors failed to renew their practice licenses in 2023.

The MDCN highlighted that only a meager 58,000 have renewed their licenses, emphasizing that such a trend will not only strain healthcare services but also overwhelm the limited available personnel.

Dr. Fatima Kyari, the Registrar of the body, conveyed these sentiments on Friday during the induction and oath-taking ceremony of 20 newly qualified doctors at the Edo State University, Uzairue.

“The council has so far registered 130,000 medical doctors to practice in Nigeria since its inception 61 years ago and the council is mandated to regulate the practice of medicine, dental, and alternative medicine in Nigeria.

“But only 58,000 doctors have renewed their annual practising license in the year 2023 following the increase in migration of doctors outside the country,

“However, the doctors must meet the requirements to earn those increases in quota. We will partner with them to ensure that they meet those requirements, and as we try to ensure that, standards must be upheld,” he added.

Kyari, who was represented by the Deputy Registrar Dr Victor Kolawole, noted that the induction of the 20 newly qualified doctors would add to the existing workforce in the health sector which is being depleted by the day.

She, however, admonished the inductees to uphold the ethics of the profession, warning that the council is mandated to regulate the activities of the practitioners as well as punish offenders.

The institution’s Vice Chancellor, Prof Emmanuel Aluyor, while speaking, explained that the upgrade of the Central Hospital, Auchi to a teaching hospital has enhanced facilities for the training of the medical students and uplifting the standard of healthcare services in Edo North and its environs.

While commended Governor Godwin Obaseki for his unwavering support for the university, he enjoined the inductees to uphold the ethics of the profession, saying he is confident that they would bring honour to the institution and MDCN.

“I urge the state government to sustain efforts towards improving facilities at Edo State University Teaching Hospital, Auchi.”

However, the acting Provost, of the College of Medical Sciences, Dr Kenneth Atoe, said 20 medical graduates from the college are the second batch of Batch B inductees.

He advised the newly qualified medical graduates to uphold the ethical standards of a medical professional, saying, “You must internalise the values of honesty, integrity, and selflessness.

“These virtues are not only essential for building strong doctor-patient relationships but are also integral to upholding the ethical standards and trustworthiness expected of a medical professional.

“By embodying these values, doctors not only fulfil their professional obligations but also contribute to the maintenance of public trust in the medical profession.”

The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission says it has confirmed the receipt of the refund of $760,000 paid as advanced school fees by Yahaya Bello, former governor of Kogi, for his children at the American International School, Abuja.

Dele Oyewale, spokesperson for the EFCC, confirmed the development in Abuja on Friday to journalist.


“The school has refunded the entire $ 760, 000 to the EFCC’s recovery account,” he said.

Earlier, the American International School of Abuja had asked the EFCC to provide “authentic banking details” for the refund of fees paid for the children of the former governor.


Bello was accused of using funds from the Kogi State Government to pay $720,000 in advance for fees of five of his children.


The children attending the school are enrolled in Grades 2 to 8.

In an effort to apprehend Bello regarding an alleged N80.2 billion scam, EFCC agents besieged his Abuja home on April 17.

Usman Ododo, the governor of Kogi, reportedly arrived at the residence while the operatives were there and reportedly whisked Bello away.

In a letter addressed to the Lagos Zonal Commander of the EFCC, the school said the sum of $845,852 has been paid in tuition “since the 7th of September 2021 to date.”

AISA said the sum to be refunded is $760,910 because it had deducted educational services already rendered.


“Please forward to us an official written request, with the authentic banking details of the EFCC, for the refund of the above-mentioned funds as previously indicated as part of your investigation into the alleged money laundering activities by the Bello family,” the letter reads.

It added, “Since the 7th September 2021 to date, $845,852.84 in tuition and other fees have been deposited into our bank account.

We have calculated the net amount to be transferred and refunded to the State, after deducting the educational services rendered as $760,910.84.

“No further additional fees are expected in respect of tuition as the students’ fees have now been settled until they graduate from ASIA.”

The school said it would draw the attention of the anti-graft agency if there were any further deposits by the Bello family.

In a statement signed by Greg Hughes, AISA also said, “Ali Bello contacted the school on Friday 13 August 2021 requesting to pay the family school fees in advance until the students graduate from High School.”

The Chairman of the EFCC, Ola Olukoyede, had earlier revealed that the former governor transferred $720,000 from the government’s coffers to a bureau de change before leaving office to pay in advance for his child’s school fee.

Olukoyede revealed this during an interview with journalists on Tuesday in Abuja.

He said, “A sitting governor, because he knows he is going, moved money directly from government to bureau de change, used it to pay the child’s school fee in advance, $720,000 in advance, in anticipation that he was going to leave the Government House.

“In a poor state like Kogi, and you want me to close my eyes to that under the guise of ‘I’m being used.’ Being used by who at this stage of my life?”

The Katsina State Command of the Nigerian Police Force has apprehended Ahmadu Usman, aged 55, from Farfari village, Batagarawa LGA, Katsina, in relation to a suspected case of culpable homicide.

While parading the suspect, the command’s spokesman, ASP Abubakar Sadiq Aliyu, said on April 1, 2024, at about 8 am, one Rahinatu Hassan, 32, from Gyanke village via Batagarawa LGA, who was heavily pregnant was in labour and having difficulties delivering the baby.

“Hence, the services of the suspect were employed to assist the woman in safe delivery, unfortunately, the suspect, knowing fully well that he is not a trained midwife, forcefully dragged the baby out of the womb with the head severed from the body (in the process)”.

Aliyu added that upon receipt of the report, detectives were promptly dispatched to the scene and the woman was rushed to the hospital for medical attention, while the suspect was subsequently arrested.

He said during investigation, the suspect confessed to committing the offence while investigation was still ongoing.